Page 40 of Hanging Horseshoes
‘sweet Pea, how are you feeling?” He asks softly.
‘surprisingly, not as bad as you would think.” She says before wincing as she tries to sit up, “well as long as I don’t move.”
“Yeah, lets not do that huh?” I say. We’re silent for a minute before Ophelia starts speaking softly.
“The biggest regret of my whole life will forever be running from you two.” She says softly, I open my mouth to reassure her, to tell her I couldn't care less, that I will always hunt her little as down so she can try me as many times as it takes, but she continues, “No, please. Let me speak. It didn't take me long to realize what an idiot I was. I don't think it was even an hour into the bus ride. The minute my mind cleared from all the chaos. From my car blowing us to seeing Leroy across the street. I just acted without thinking, But by that time I couldn't get off and that was the next stop. So I made sure to use my credit card in case yall were looking for me.”
“We were looking sweet pea. I swear we wouldn't have stopped.” Trip interrupts.
“I wanted yall to come get me. Just the day we were apart was torture. I never want to feel that again. I never want to take Mable away from her safe place again. Please forgive me.”
“There is absolutely nothing for you to apologize for Honey Be. Trauma and trauma inducing situations trigger us. You’ve been through so much. Other would have broke but you didn’t bay. You survived. You protected our baby girl the only way you knew how. Don't ever be sorry for protecting her, don't ever be sorry for surviving. You do everything you can, always to survive because at the end of the day I need that more than my next breath.” I tell her and hear her hiccup crying.
“I agree baby just… don't be too upset when I put a tracker in every single thing you own. Hell I might find a way to tag your ass. Just so we can always bring you home safely.” Trip pipes us breaking the tension.
“Ohh don't make me laugh it hurts.” Ophelia says from the back seat.
We have her here, our girl safe and sound, and I vow this is the last time either one of them will feel so scared they have to run. I’m going to fucking make sure of it.
Chapter Thirty
After getting back to the compound the guys help carry me to Grims office. As I get settled only whimpering a small bit, I see the concern and pain on both Beau and Trip’s face. As soon as I open my mouth to reassure them though Grim pokes my side and I hiss.
“Easy!” Trip scowls.
“Careful brother.” Beau scowls. I, along with Grim, roll our eyes.
“Just checking on the stitch. I want to clean it up a bit then you all can get some rest. Though I don’t want yall making the trek back to the ranch. Stay in your room here for the night.” Grim orders.
“But the bed here isn’t as big as the one at home.” Beau pouts, crossing his arms.
‘sorry cowboy, Doc’s orders. Its better for Fee Fee to be close.” He gives him a stern but the worry drains his sales pretty hard.
“I’ll grab the pack and play from the toy room if you want to help her to bed.” Beau tells Trip, taking a sleeping Mable from his arms.
“Come on Sweet Pea. Lets get you to bed.” Trip says lifting me gently and making sure to stay away from my wound.
“I gave her more pain meds. She should be knocked out in about thirty minutes. I’ll be right down the hall just let me know if you need me.” Grim gives us a chin lift before heading out.
“Let me know if I hurt you ok?” Trip whispers kissing the side of my head. I lean my head on his shoulder as I start to feel the medicine take over.
“Why did they hate me?” I ask softly, only meaning to think it and not speak it aloud.
“Who Sweat Pea? No one can hate you.” Trip says laying me softly on the bed. Beau walks in with the folded up Playpen and Trip unfolds it so Beau can set Mable in it to sleep. They tuck her in so soft and sweet it had tears coming to my eyes.
“My parents.” I say as both men turn to me. I can barley see them through the tears welling.
“What did I do so wrong that they would hate me that much? Because I had sex before marriage to one half of my soulmate? Because I made a miracle with him? Was that so wrong…” I want to scream. I want to yell, instead I break off as Trip and Beau strip down to their boxers and crawl into the bed on either side of me. Then, they hold me and left me cry. They let me get it all out.
“It had nothing to do with you Honeybee and everything to do with control and just plain rotten people. They wanted something from you that wasn't theirs to give away. I took that innocence as my own and then me and Trip earned your soul and heart.” Beauty whispers to me.
“They don’t get to win Sweet Pea. We do. Right here, right now, we show our babies, yes all the ones we will have together, to lead with love. To follow that kindness to its end and maybe, if need be, do a little ass kickin’, but they will look at life with openness, with acceptance, with uniqueness and they will love with all their hearts.” Trip adds and I let the smile overtake my face as the tears still quickly fall. How unusually they could turn from sad and unforgiving tears, to ones full of hope and happiness.
I turn my head to Trip whose had his forehead resting against my right temple this whole time, and kiss the tip of his nose. I turn to Rodeo whos forehead has been warming my left temple and do the same. Looking into his eyes I whisper, “That you for the greatest gift God has ever granted us.”
I turn to Trip, “Thank you to all the future love and gifts yet to be thrown our way.”