Page 88 of All the Discord
Toby walked over and hooked his arm around Bryan’s shoulder. “How about we go figure out what we’re gonna make Seth cook for us?” he said, tugging him inside.
I smiled as they disappeared into the house. Seth smiled at me all too knowingly.
“What?” I asked.
“Nothing. Just glad you’re happy.”
My smile softened. “They make me happy.” I looked at Seth and then at the area. “Where’s Bebe?”
“Inside still. He’ll probably tackle you as soon as you step through the door though. He’s been anxious to see you since you left this morning.”
Seth grabbed my hand and tugged me toward his front door.
“Um…” I trailed off, not sure how to say what I wanted to say.
He paused and turned to me, tilting his head to the side. “What’s wrong?”
I looked up at him, taking in the dark scruff along his jaw, the way his honey-brown eyes stared at me patiently.
“I paid attention today.” My hand shook in Seth’s, and he just tightened his grip to show his support. It was hard to voice my thoughts, my fear trying so hard to hold me back. But if I had given into my fear a long time ago, I would be incapable of stepping foot on a stage or facing my mother. I wouldn’t be me. “I want to be friends with everyone. All of you make me happy. You guys make me feel normal. The idea of losing that scares me. I thought I was fine with how things were, but all of you made me realize there’s more than work and school. I wouldn’t be able to go back to that even if I wanted to. You guys are stuck with me now.”
Seth’s eyes darkened to a stronger brown as he pulled me close. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I shivered against his touch. It all felt right.
“Thank you, Cadence. For trusting us. I promise we won’t break that trust.”
He cupped my cheek and brushed his lips against mine, as if sealing his promise, and then he pulled away. My cheeks blazed with shyness as Seth took my hand and led me inside. Bebe did in fact tackle me in desperate need for some loving, making me laugh while I doted on the big guy.
We went to where the other two waited for me. It felt like I was walking into my home. A real home.