Page 26 of Finding a Melody
Is what I really wanna say
And I think I’m ready ’til I look at your pain
And I’m desperate
Just wondering how it all went wrong
How could I have been such a fool to hurt you
To hurt you”
Then Paxon sang. He didn’t sound very good, but the fact that he was willing to do this said it all.
“Regret is a six-letter hell
Just tell me what went wrong
When I just wanna be strong
To tell you
A simple two worded sentence
Like it would even matter
I just wanna be strong
To tell you”
Justin took over, singing rather well.
“You stand before me
But still out of reach
It’s what’s getting me seized with heartache
I hear the whispers in sweet misery
They’re telling me that I’m too late”
Bryan went next.
“Regret is a six-letter hell
Just tell me what went wrong
I just wanna be strong
To tell you
A simple, two worded sentence
Like it would even matter”
The guitar did a little solo, and I knew it was Toby, the notes slow and haunting as they blended together, feeling like they were squeezing my soul. Then everyone said the last lines together, and I swore my heart stuttered.
“I just wanna be strong