Page 47 of Finding a Melody
As soon as Bryan approached, they stopped, looking surprised to see him. Then he flashed them his pretty smile and that seemed to do the trick.
“Ah, Bryan Goodrow,” the first man said. He wore a shiny black suit with a dark blue tie to match with his friendly blue eyes. “I swear you’re getting taller every time I see you.” The man chuckled before turning to the man next to him, who wore a light gray suit with a matching tie. He had dark eyes and his hair was slicked back away from his face, showing a small scar on his forehead, nearly at the hairline. “Have you met Mr. Donroe?”
“Mr. Gheri, always a pleasure.” Bryan shook the man’s hand and then Mr. Donroe’s hand. “I’m sad to say I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet, Mr. Donroe. I’d like to introduce my date for the night, Miss Cadence Wiles.”
“Pleasure,” I said, shaking their hands.
“She’s wonderful,” Mr. Gheri said, his smile warm. “When was the last time you brought your own date to one of these events?”
Bryan’s face turned red but he didn’t reply.
“Wiles?” Mr. Donroe said thoughtfully, his head tilting to the side. “As in Lindie Wiles?”
I smiled, not surprised. “You know her?” I asked to remain polite.
“We met briefly. She’s a colorful person.”
I laughed at that and my shoulders relaxed. At least he wasn’t someone she had slept with in the past. “That she is. She would be here tonight if she could.”
“Right. I heard she’s had some issues over the summer.”
My whole body tensed. He was one of the ones who knew. Frankly, everyone here probably knew. I swallowed the bile that came up and gave him a tight smile. “She’s getting better every day.”
“I hope so. She seemed like a fun lady.” As in he wanted to fuck her.
After that, the conversation shifted to more of a business-like topic that I didn’t bother to try to keep up with. Bryan, though. He was different. He seemed completely relaxed with Mr. Gheri and he had no problems keeping up with their conversation. He really did fit well in this environment. It made me wonder more about his family, about how he could so easily be able to follow such complicated topics surrounding tech businesses.
“It was a pleasure, but we must go meet with someone before they get drawn into another conversation,” Mr. Gheri said with a light-hearted chuckle, letting us know he wasn’t blowing us off.
“It was nice meeting you,” I said and let Bryan pull me away as the other two disappeared into the crowd.
Bryan sighed and swiped a cup of water off a server’s tray and swallowed half of it in seconds.
“You don’t seem to need me,” I said.
He snorted. “Mr. Gheri is a family friend and probably the only one I like. Think of him as a warmup because it’s only going to get harder from here.”
And Bryan didn’t lie about that as we went from one group of people to another who wanted something from Bryan, whether it was to be introduced to his parents, or for his support on one project or another. By the end of the first hour there, my right eye was twitching in irritation.
I leaned over to Bryan, going on my tippy toes so I could reach his ears. He tilted his head closer to my mouth as I rested my hand on his firm chest for balance. “I need a break,” I whispered.
“I’m sorry,” Bryan smoothly said without hesitation, interrupting some woman who needed a little more cloth to go with her dress. “It seems Cadence needs to relax and rest her feet. I’m going to take her to our table. It was wonderful to catch up with you, Mrs. Kimble.”
“Of course,” she said, touching his shoulder with her fingers. “Don’t forget, my daughter is around here somewhere. I’m sure she would love to dance with you.”
I cocked an eyebrow that she dutifully ignored as she turned away from us. Bryan rested his hand on my back and nudged me away from the woman and toward the seating area.
“Bryan!” a young woman’s voice called out and I internally moaned.
Bryan froze for a second and I took note of the wince on his face. This was not a woman he wanted to be in the presence of.
I released a sigh before turning and giving his arm a slight squeeze to remind him that I was there with him.
I had his back.
We turned to the voice and I watched as a beautiful redhead made her way toward us, walking in her ridiculous high heels like she was going down a runway. Her pale blue dress was strapless, and she looked absolutely gorgeous. She moved confidently and with purpose. She was a woman who drew a lot of attention.
Her dark, smoky eyes landed on him, practically drinking him in as she approached with a little extra sway in her hips that had other men in the room turning to watch her. Bryan could just barely hold back his scowl.