Page 74 of Finding a Melody
“Good.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek briefly before he was flying out the door, leaving me there stunned by the sudden affection. A moment later, I heard his car start, but he didn’t leave right away. I peeked out and realized he was waiting for me. I waved and closed the door, making sure to lock it and setting the alarm. Only then did he pull away and head home.
After taking my medication, I dragged my tired and sore body into my bed like I said I would, and then I passed out. Unfortunately, the rest of my night was plagued with nightmares of bikers running me over and my mother holding me hostage as my dad tried to reach for me. Even as I kept waking up, sweating and confused, I could still hear her evil cackling surrounded by the roar of motorcycles.
She wasn’t going to leave me alone even though she was no longer around to ruin it. What kind of talent was that?
Chapter Twenty-Three
After contacting the school on Monday morning, we had decided that it’d be best for me to rest more until Wednesday. So I had absolutely nothing to do on Tuesday other than think too much. Even getting out of bed took longer than normal as I lay there and stretched, staring at the ceiling. I only started moving when my phone buzzed.
Seth: I know you’re not in school, or at least you better not be. Want to meet at my house in two hours?
Cadence: Sure, see you then.
Seth: Good.
I sighed, not moving. Not just yet. There was a sense of numbness when I stayed in bed, like reality wasn’t right there, knocking at my subconsciousness. There was nothing to worry about, nothing for me to fear. It was just me and my big fluffy pillow.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t stay in bed forever. I had to face the world and get on with my day. I slowly sat up, wincing at the dull pain thrumming through my back. At least it wasn’t too bad. I grabbed my guitar and a small bag. After yesterday and last night, a song was eating at me, but I couldn’t do it here. I needed out. I needed to breathe. Seth’s house was perfect.
I packed carefully, wanting to make sure I’d have everything I needed. By the time a taxi pulled up with Seth inside, I was walking over. I even waved at the police car that had shown up early in the morning. The officer waved back and I pointed over at Seth’s house. The taxi door opened and Seth slowly got out of the car, wincing.
“Slowpoke,” I said to tease him when I reached him.
He gave me a tight smile. “I’m due for some pain medicine,” he said.
I frowned. “That bad? I thought you were okay?”
He shrugged and grimaced from the small movement. “Just my ribs. I’ll be fine in a few weeks.”
“Broken ribs.” I knew the healing time for ribs. He had at least two months of pain and discomfort to get through until his ribs were better. The anger swirling inside me left a bitter taste in my mouth. He shouldn’t have gotten dragged into my shit.
“What’s the news on your truck?” I asked. I really liked Seth’s truck. It had made me feel big and powerful.
Seth’s lips pursed briefly. “Not totaled, but it’s going to dip into my savings to fix.”
“I’ll help,” I said.
I glared at him. “They were after you because I was with you. It’s my fault. Let me help you.”
“We aren’t discussing this right now,” Seth said as he unlocked the door and stepped to the side so I could go inside first.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because this is ridiculous. I’m not going to let you pay for my truck, Cadence.”
“Think of it like an accident. I mean it was, but that means my insurance would be the one to cover it.”
“No. It means the Ryder assholes would be responsible.”
I snorted. “So, what? Are you going to go to them and demand they pay for your truck?”
“Don’t tempt me.”
I gaped at him for a moment. “You’re ridiculous!”