Page 37 of Losing the Rhythm
“Is now really the time?” Paxon asked.
“Now that she’s calm enough to listen to me, now is the perfect time,” Toby responded. “And with the weekend coming up, it has to be now. There is only so much time left this month.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
Toby grinned big, a huge twinkle in his eyes. There was a sign of something else there, maybe apprehension, but it was hard to tell as Toby cleared his throat. “We are all going to take you out on individual dates. We already worked out the details, but starting this weekend, you’re gonna have some dates.”
“Dates? With all of you?” I tried to process what they were telling me.
“Yes, with all of us,” Seth smirked. “We’re going to take you out, spoil you, and hopefully get you distracted enough to show us your cute smile.”
“But why a date? Why can’t we do something together?”
“What is the fun in that?” Paxon asked. “Our goal is to make you smile. Genuinely. A group setting isn’t ideal. Besides, why would you take our chances of spending some quality time with you away? We want to get to know you better, outside of a group setting.”
“You almost sound like your dad,” Justin said.
“My dad knows his stuff.”
“But a date?” I asked. “Isn’t that… a bit much?”
“For you, not at all,” Toby said. “You deserve so much more.”
His words made my skin tingle. It was a new sensation that I didn’t know what to do with. All them were throwing me for a loop. Wasn’t dating a boyfriend-girlfriend thing? Outside of the conversation I had with Seth about his interest in me, and our kiss, I’d been keeping that avenue locked up behind chains and a key I threw away. They were my friends, and outside of Micah, my first group of friends. I never had a group of people to hang out with before.
The idea of ruining that terrified me.
“Cadence, call it a friendate then,” Toby said.
“F-friendate?” I stumbled over the word. Another made-up word by Toby?
“Yes. Friend date. That’s what we’re talking about.”
As soon as those words registered, I relaxed. Friend date. “Friendate,” I said again.
“Yes, friendate.” Toby grinned at me. “Friend date.”
I swallowed. “Okay. I can handle that.”
“Good because your first date is with Paxon on Friday,” Seth said.
“How did you decide on that?” I asked.
“Rock, paper, scissors.” Toby crossed his arms and scowled.
“Not your strong suite?” I asked.
“They’re cheaters.”
“We just know how you play,” Justin said and turned to me. “I’ll be your third date on Sunday.”
Even though it was a friend date, for some reason, I was beginning to feel a little giddy at the thought. I was going to get solid quality time with each of the guys. I was actually looking forward to it.
“Okay. I’m down for these friendates,” I said softly.
All the guys broke out in big smiles, eyes sparkling.
“Good,” Seth said. Then he leaned in closer and dropped his voice in a soft whisper. “Though our date will definitely be more worthy than a friendate. Saturday night.”