Page 45 of Losing the Rhythm
“It isn’t supposed to be a date.”
Seth came over to me and crowded my personal space. He reached up and cupped my chin, his touch gentle as he made sure I was looking into his honey brown eyes.
His tone lower, more serious, he said, “You can dress it up whichever way you wish, but it will still be a date. I am taking you out, just the two of us. I care about you deeply, more than just a friend. While we are out, I’ll be a complete gentleman. I’ll open your car door for you. Hold doors open. Pull out your chair for dinner. Make sure you’re comfortable and happy.”
His thumb brushed against my lips and I gasped. His gaze dipped down to my mouth, and he even moved closer. I froze, not sure what he was about to do and how I was going to react. I was tempted to lean in to him, but I was also tempted to run the other way.
It was a conflict that left me frozen.
He kept talking, looking right into my eyes, our noses practically touching. “But while I do all that, it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about the taste of your plush lips. Or how you’d react if I were to kiss you until all your thoughts were only about me, about us. I like you, Cadence. I already told you that. And I’ll take you any way you’ll let me have you. So sure, believe this is only a friendate while you try to figure out what you want from me. From any of us, really.”
“Any of you?” I asked, a bit confused.
“Any of us.” He finally moved away, removing his hand from my face. Yet the spot he touched me still tingled, and my lips felt hotter than before. He knew it too by the way his eyes twinkled with amusement. And that sent a shudder through me, not out of fear, but something else. Anticipation, maybe? It was all too new to me.
“We better hurry before the tornadoes show up,” Seth said and went back to laying out the garbage bags. He even had it over the couch. I didn’t think pumpkin carving would need every single surface in his living room covered, but kept my mouth shut as I helped him.
The entire time, I kept glancing his way. And if our eyes happened to meet, I’d quickly look away and pretend I hadn’t been spying on him. A few times, I noticed him gazing out the window with a frown, but just thought the others were going to show up soon and he was on the lookout for them. I didn’t think much of it.
I was just finishing up when Seth finally said, “Cadence, there’s a car at your house.”
“What?” I sat up straight, realizing how much I was hunching over while making sure everything was staying in place. I couldn’t see Seth by the front door. I slowly crawled to my feet and made my way over.
“There’s a car at your house.” Seth was peeking through the window next to the door, holding the curtains back. He was scowling as he focused on whatever got his attention. “I noticed them a while ago, but it’s been at least half an hour and they’re still there.”
“Not getting a clue that no one is home?” I asked as I squeezed myself between him and the window.
Seth gave me just enough room to see what he was seeing, his body warm as he pressed against my back. It took everything in me to focus on the issue at hand and not on him. At the sudden need to lean against him and feel the hardness of his body against mine. His little flirtiness earlier had really affected me, and now I was too aware of his existence.
After pushing the Seth distraction away, I looked over at my house. It was across the road and one house down.
There really was a car there, one that I didn’t recognize.
“Were you expecting someone?” His breath tickled the back of my neck, threatening to distract me again.
“No,” I answered, going for the door. It was barely open before Seth smashed his hand against it, keeping me from opening it.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
I looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. “Going to go see who it is.”
“After everything that has happened, do you think that’s wise?”
“And if they wanted to hurt me, would they publicly park in my driveway and just sit there when it’s obvious that I’m not home.” Despite saying that, and even believing it, it didn’t stop the fear from curling in the pit of my stomach.
“I’m coming.” His response left no room for argument. It also made me relax more. I had Seth at my back. I wasn’t alone.
“I didn’t say you can’t.”
I smiled at him. He finally removed his hand so I could open it. Frankly, I was happy he was with me. The closer we got to my house, the harder my heart pounded and the more my stomach twisted with nerves. I had no idea who the car belonged to, and it didn’t help that I didn’t see anyone in the car or around my house.
“It’ll be fine,” Seth whispered. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “I’m with you. I won’t let you go.”
His support calmed me enough for us to cross the street. I glanced around, still not seeing anyone. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled in warning. Why park here and not be here? Where did they go?
I glanced at my house, but it only looked as lonely as it always did. I wasn’t going to fall for that though. The last time I thought it was empty, someone had broken in and I had to crawl out of my window to escape. They hadn’t been there to rob me. And after we realized the Ryder gang was after me, it was easy enough to connect the dots even if we didn’t have evidence that it was them who had broken into my house.