Page 48 of Losing the Rhythm
“I want to respect your wishes. And the life you built without me in it. I understand having me around so suddenly is probably unnerving.” He gave me a bitter smile. “It’s a bit unnerving for me.”
His gaze went down to his glass of water, and I realized he had been spinning it in his hand. Was he as nervous as I was? Just as confused? As awkward?
“Cadence!” Toby called out from the front. There were more mumblings.
“Looks like the others finally realized we’re here,” Seth said.
“The others?” Dad asked.
Seth chuckled. “The herd is here.”
A moment later, the missing four came in. Paxon first with Toby right behind him, and Justin and Bryan behind them. Paxon was laughing about something but all of them paused when they realized my guest was right there.
“That explains the car,” Toby said.
“I’d think the strange car would have been testament to there being a guest,” Seth said.
“Well… I guess.”
The guys actually looked sheepish, and I realized they came in on purpose despite knowing I probably had a guest or even a client with me, though I rarely met clients in my home. The only times were when Lindie was making me talk to a client she was planning to hook up with.
“Well, it’s fine.” Dad moved back away from the counter. “I need to go check in at the hotel anyway. I did want to see you before that though. Should I not stay?”
“You’re asking if I want you around me?” I asked.
I looked over at the guys who had settled down and were too busy gaping at the man and then back to me. I wondered what they saw. We had to be similar enough for them to figure it out. Besides, it was something we’d talked about. They knew that Dad had sent me a letter and I had sent one back to him.
“You can stay. If you want,” I finally said.
Dad smiled. He actually smiled. It was warm and exactly how I remembered it. My eyes burned and my nose tingled. I was at the edge of breaking down and crying. I wanted to know what a hug felt like from him. To hear his words of encouragement again. Maybe have him do something silly to change the mood.
Those kinds of things I hadn’t had the opportunity to feel for so long.
“Then I’ll be around.” He dug out a card from his pocket and left it on the counter. “This has my cellphone on it and the hotel I’ll be staying at. Always feel free to contact me, no matter the time.” He sighed. “I guess I should be prepared to talk with your mother too, huh?”
“I’ll let her know you’re in town.”
The boys moved to the side as Dad slipped by them. A moment later, I heard the front door close. I reached over and grabbed the card he left. Noise erupted all around me, but I was too focused on the card in my hand, with the neat handwriting that hadn’t changed. It was his handwriting, still the same as seven years ago.
He was different.
Me too.
But there were still things that were the same. What else was still the same? Would I have the chance to find out before he disappeared from my life again?
“Who was he?”
“My dad,” I mumbled, still staring at the only connection I currently had to my dad. A phone number, something I could dial to hear his voice whenever I wished.
A connection I hadn’t had before.
Chapter Fifteen
For a long time, no one said anything as my answer stayed hanging in the air.
“Are you serious?” Bryan finally asked.