Page 109 of 4 Hints You Love Your Best Friend
She leads me to one of the two loungers Jake bought recently. Lennon and E chipped in for the flowers decorating the yard, including Mom’s favorite azaleas. Desmond and I hired someone to build a vegetable garden Mom will love to tend. She’ll be happy here, I hope. More settled and at peace. That bit of knowledge eases the sting of losing Jo. Slightly.
Jo sits down and pulls me next to her. “Did you really think I’d jump into dating Jake again right after being with you?”
I shrug, not feeling like myself. “My brain’s been on fire since yesterday. I’m not acting rationally. Feel kind of unhinged. I’ll apologize to Jake after.”
I pick at my cuticles, can’t look at her gorgeous face.
She stills my fidgeting and dips her head, forcing eye contact. “I love you, Callahan Bower.”
Everything in me goes deathly quiet. Thick silence as I pick through the meaning behind her words. Does she love me as a friend? As more? Is she forgiving me or cutting me loose? I alter our hands, wrapping my palm over hers, needing to feel her pulse. Eavesdrop on her true feelings—the frenzied beat mimics mine.
“Jo?” It’s a plaintive question without words.
Is your pulse saying what I think it’s saying?
Does your world not make sense without me either?
“I love you,” she says again, intensely, and this time, I know. The vehemence in her words, the slight tremble in her voice—somehow, she’s forgiven me. Somehow, I didn’t lose her.
“I’m so fucking sorry.” I press my forehead to hers, too relieved to believe this is happening. “I love you so much I can’t think straight. Last night killed me. Didn’t sleep for a minute.”
“Me neither. I mean, I was upset with you, but not being with you was harder.”
I kiss her softly, still worried she’ll pull back. Push me away. By some miracle, she doesn’t. “I won’t overstep again, swear to God.”
“Just talk to me next time. If you’re worried about me, say something. I need you to be there for me and listen. I don’t need you to jump in and fight my battles.”
I nod, holding her hands so goddamn tight. “I promise.”
“And…” Her lips quirk. “Maybe tidy up after yourself once in a while. It’s no fun living with a slob.”
A relieved laugh moves through my still-sore chest. “No promises.”
“Also,” she says, her tone more serious, “Jake told me about the stuff you’ve done for me over the years. Some of it, at least—my apartment, my truck, the cookbook you sent my dad.”
Maybe Jake won’t be getting an apology after all. Maybe my interfering brotherwilllose teeth today. “Are you mad?”
“Callahan.” She shakes her head, the softening of her mouth quelling my nerves. “Knowing you cared that much all these years blew me away. That you were with me, even when I didn’t realize it, is overwhelming, but in a good way. Like, seriously romantic. So, no, I’m not mad. I’m grateful.”
I release her hands, sift my fingers through her hair and tip her face up to mine. “I don’t deserve you.”
She brushes her nose against mine. “Yes, you do. We’re a team. We won’t always make the best plays. Sometimes we’ll fumble, but we’ll stick together. Forgive each other and move forward.”
I kiss her, more deeply this time, not caring if the people inside can see us through the glass doors or that I’m getting worked up when I’ll have to stand soon. Losing Jo for one day turned me into an erratic mess. Having her lips surrender to mine is an addiction I have no interest in kicking.
“About buying the building,” she says quietly, “Larkin’s brother offered to do the same. He’s excited about the opportunity to invest in Windfall real estate. And as much as I appreciate you offering first, Larkin and I are more comfortable with him owning the Barrel. I don’t mean that offensively. We just—”
“Jo,” I say with a kiss to her ear, “whatever makes you happiest is what I want. But Francisca and I had a side deal going on—for me to take her grandson on as my apprentice. If she still wants that in the paperwork, please put it in.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “Always an angle with you.”
“Not anymore. From here on out, I’m nothing but a straight line.” One that points steadfastly toward Jolene.
“That’s settled, then.” She lets out a happy sigh, but a hint of mischief sparks in her eyes. “Also, since we’re back living together, I have one request.”
“Can you promise not to masturbate in any of the oven mitts?”