Page 18 of The Omega Lesson
But none of that matters the moment Travis drives us into some kind of compound and two serious looking guys appear at the side of the limo. They have a military vibe, despite their neat, black suits, and both are clearly on edge as they look us over. But it’s the sight of Mattie pulling a small switchblade from his boot that tells me how serious this is. The garage door has rolled closed behind us, and we’re effectively shut in with these hostile strangers. And that triggers every one of my protective instincts.
Fight or flight adrenaline hits my system like a punch. My lock instantly releases, and Jack makes a groaning sound as he slumps on the seat. But I’m already moving. Doesn’t matter I was orgasming only a moment ago, Mattie is closest to the door and THAT. IS. NOT. ACCEPTABLE.
“Get behind me, Mattie.”
He tries to put his arm around me, but I manhandle him out of the way, checking the door is secure before I buzz the window down an inch. The closest guard is facing off with Travis, who is standing only a meter away from us. “Yeah, I get you’re not taking bookings, but tell your boss it’s Travis Lyall and I’m not leaving here until I see him.”
“We know who you are, Mr. Lyall. But this compound is on lockdown.”
“Fine. But I’ve got a lockdown issue of my own, and I need a safe room for an alpha in a rut.”
I scowl at both being called anissueand in need of being locked up. In fact, all the talk about my lady parts is starting to grate.
“No one’s in a rut,” I hiss at Travis through the window. “But Iamfeeling pretty ragey right now.”
He casts a dark look over his shoulder, but the guard immediately puts himself between us, and I’m suddenly blinking up into hard brown eyes. He’s wiry instead of bulky, but I’m absolutely certain he could take me down without breaking a sweat. “Are you alright, Miss?”
“I’m fine, and so is everyone else in this car.”
He tries to look past me – probably to see where all those delicious pheromones are coming from - but Mattie is crowding in behind me, waves of aggression coming off him. “There’s nothing to see here, mate. Ourdriverjust got a bee up the arse.”
The guard frowns – possibly at the idea of the CEO of the Lyall Corporation doubling as a chauffeur - but then steps back and nods at the ceiling. It takes me a moment to realise he’s looking at a camera mounted in the corner of the garage. He tilts his head, like he’s listening to something, and then he turns back to me. “Are you an alpha, Miss?”
“Yes, I am, but this is just a misunderstanding. No one’s in any danger…”
“Do you usually have uncontrolled ruts?”
“No, of course not!”
“And is your partner an omega?”
His gaze is sweeping the interior of the car and I don’t know if he’s looking at Jack or Mattie, but it doesn’t matter. They’re both mine to protect, and I grit my teeth, my skin flushing hot. “That’s none of your business!”
He just nods and steps away from the car. “Mr. Visser is on his way down.”
Travis mutters something, but the guards don’t speak again until a third man appears, and then they both seem to melt into the background.
Or maybe that’s just how it seems to me, because this new guy is everything I’ve been warned about in an alpha. He commands the room just by walking into it, all brutal energy that makes my hackles rise. But it’s not like he’s looking for the attention. If anything, he seems to be trying to disappear into his hoodie, his long dark hair falling across his face. But he can’t fully hide his eyes, which are pale grey and as devoid of emotion as the concrete wall behind him.
I brace myself as he ignores Travis and heads in our direction. I have no idea who he is or where we are, but I don’t like it. There’s no way out of here with the garage door down – not to mention our driver is a long way from the wheel. But I don’t look in Travis’ direction. Every muscle is focused on the man as he braces a hand on the roof of the limo and leans down to meet my gaze.
He’s beautiful in a broken kind of way.
It’s a strange thought and I frown as I try to make sense of where it came from. If I’m just going off appearances, he’s medium build, lean, with thick dark auburn hair and those ghostly grey eyes. I suppose you’d call him classically handsome, but I don’t need to look too close to know there’s definitely something wrong under his pretty surface.
“My name is Finn Visser,” he says quietly, “and even though your instincts are telling you not to trust me, you can.” I blink at him and he nods. “This is my facility, which means you can leave at any time. But I’d prefer that you didn’t.”
“Why not?” That’s Mattie, belligerent as hell as he stares down this scarily powerful alpha. “Why the fuck are we here?”
But Visser only has eyes for me. “I think that if you come inside, you’ll be able to help me almost as much as I can help you.”
Everything about him tells me not to listen. The most powerful alphas can manipulate you without you even realising it. One minute you’re safe behind a locked door, the next you’re throwing it open and inviting them to sink their fangs into your throat. Mum always said that’s how the idea of the vampire was born, and looking at this man’s intense, pale face, I’m starting to agree.
Mattie must be just as spooked, because he pulls me back against him with a growl, and I can feel his switchblade against my hipbone. “Enough of the fucking riddles. Tell us what you want.”
Those empty grey eyes sweep over his angry face, then settle on Jackson. I can’t tell if he recognises him, or if he’s just staring because he’s slumped on the seat in a post-sex sprawl. But I really don’t like it. “Hey!” I snap, clicking my fingers at him. “You should step away from the car if you want to avoid a rage.”