Page 28 of The Omega Lesson
As I slip a hand down to cup his balls, Mattie’s hips jerk, his thighs trembling. The slightest squeeze and a groan rips out of his chest. “Oh, fuck yes, baby girl. You’re making me feel so good.”
“Fast learner,” Noah grunts, his face flushed when I lift my gaze to his. I’m about to look away, but the scent of his arousal is too tempting. So, instead, I pull off Mattie, and still holding Noah’s gaze, poke the tip of my tongue into that cute little slit. Mattie jerks and Noah grimaces, his hand working faster. “Fuck, that’s so hot,” he huffs. “I think I should get Teacher of the Year.”
I would roll my eyes at that, if they weren’t locked back on my prize. I lick my way back down Mattie’s dick, but I can tell he’s close to the edge. A few sucks, a squeeze of his balls, and his fingers sink hard into my hair. But instead of shoving me onto him, he tries to ease me away. “Hold up. I’m gonna come, babe…”
Which is exactly what I want. One glance at the way his body is twisting under me, and I grab his hips, anchoring myself to him. I swallow him deeper, pulling harder, and he curses as my fingers dig into his sides. But then he’s coming with a shout, his entire body shaking as he unloads into my mouth. It’s salty, but somehow minty, too, and my eyes really do roll as I greedily drink him down.
“Fuck, you sucked his brains out,” Noah pants, and I stop nuzzling Mattie long enough to look at the youngest Lyall. He’s a vision of masculine lust, his tattoos and piercings dancing under rippling muscles as he jacks himself off. But it’s his scent curling around me – cherries and whiskey – that makes me drop my eyes to his cock. It’s as mesmerising as the rest of him, with a circular piercing in the mushroom head, and a needy cry spills from my lips as he says, “Tell me where to come, omega.”
It's on the tip of my tongue to tell him in my mouth. Or better yet, just to take him between my lips and suck him down until that piercing is buried in my throat. But Mattie is still sprawled out in front of me, his fingers now linked with mine, and I have a better idea.
“On his chest.” I run my fingers over his silky tanned skin. It’s like I’m drawing a target, and Mattie’s head falls back against the pillow. “I want to see it land right here.”
Noah groans and bites his lip ring, but he’s leaning over Mattie so fast I can tell he was just waiting for the invitation. He feathers a hand down Mattie’s cheek, over his collarbone, then pulls hard on his nipple. It’s enough to make him cry out, and then thick ropes of cum are shooting from Noah’s cock onto Mattie’s chest.
I don’t need to be told what to do. My head is already dipping down to lick and suck my way across Mattie’s skin. The cherry flavour is so potent, I feel another gush in my sleep shorts and my hand flies out, seeking Noah’s grip. His fingers thread through mine as his chin comes to rest on Mattie’s shoulder, and words of praise gush from his lips.
“So good, sweet thing. You had both of us bursting in no time at all. And now you’re cleaning Mattie up so well. Do you like my taste, omega? Does my alpha slick go perfectly with our boy’s sweet skin?”
I whimper my agreement, too focused on my task for real words. Mattie’s stroking my hair, and Noah’s whispering in my ear, and I keep going until there’s not a drop left. I press my cheek against Mattie’s abs, staring up at the two men who just broke me open and filled me up. My tongue is tingling, my mouth alive with their combined mint and cherry flavour. It really must be doing something to my brain, because a purr rattles out of my chest, loud enough to make them both freeze.
“Omega…” Noah breathes.
But right at that moment, the bedroom door is pushed open and Jack is looking in at us with an apologetic expression. “Sorry to interrupt, but Travis wants to talk to you.”
“Tell him to go suck a bag of dicks,” Mattie mumbles, barely coherent.
Jack scratches his cheek and shrugs. “Well, I can, but he says if you won’t come down, he’ll come up here whether you like it or not.”
A small part of me is tempted to call his bluff. To make Travis march into this room soaked in the scent of slick and cum, and show him exactly what he’s missing. But I’m not up to being rejected a second time, so we all straighten up our clothes and trek downstairs.
The wreckage of the party has been cleaned away, and as I look at the shining surfaces, I have to admit that money really does make some things easier. But I’m quickly distracted by the sight of Travis standing next to the fireplace with an older man. They’re both in suits, and their serious expressions are such a contrast to what just happened upstairs, I’m tempted to turn on my heel and head back to bed.
But then Jack threads his arm through mine and says, “This is Dr. Karp. He’s the Lyall family’s physician.”
I manage a semi-polite greeting, but Travis frowns at me. “I’ve asked him here so he can give you a pre-heat examination.”
Anger suddenly swells up inside me, tinged with panic. Maybe it’s not rational given what I just did upstairs, but I’m still not convinced about this whole switch business. What if I’m just stumbling through my sexual revolution? Maybe I’m just going through some kind of phase, like a second horny adolescence. This doctor could update my medical file, and my whole life would be turned upside down for nothing.
Travis must sense my concerns, because he adds, “Everything would be entirely confidential. Nothing on record. This can stay just between us.”
The doctor frowns a bit, but I guess he knows better than to argue with Travis and gives a reassuring nod. “Of course. Doctor-patient confidentiality applies here, just the same as in any other medical situation.”
“You’re a beta?” It’s not unusual, since betas tend to be intelligent, hard-working, and objective, but a lot of doctors are also alphas. “I’m just asking, because I want to know what this exam involves. As you can see, I have plenty of alphas here to tell me I smell strange.”
“You mean delicious,” Noah says, burying his face in my hair. Jack’s arm is still linked with mine, but his younger brother winds around me like a hungry vine. “And there’s no doubt in my mind you’re as ripe as a peach.”
Travis shoots his brother an irritated look, but I focus on Jack. He hasn’t said anything, but as the only omega in the room, he has to have an opinion. “Do you think I should?”
Jack doesn’t hesitate to lean down and kiss my cheek. There’s a symmetry about having these three men so close – Mattie at my back, and the Lyall brothers leaning in from the sides, every one of them touching some part of me – that makes my tension ease. Jack draws my hair back from my face and gives me a soft smile. “I think this is all new to you,” he says quietly. “If you were prepared, you’d probably be in a clinic somewhere and an exam would just be part of the process.”
“But what’s it going to tell me?” I drop my voice to match his. “It’s not like he’s dealt with switches before, right?”
“Probably not. But if you want to go through your heat with us, having an expert involved wouldn’t be the worst thing.” He gives an apologetic shrug. “I’ve lived through a couple of my own, but I wasn’t exactly taking notes. Maybe he can give us some pointers on how to make it good for you.”
Noah arches an insulted brow at that, but Travis has obviously grown impatient with our whispering. “If you won’t agree to this, Alexa, I’m going to have to call Anton.”