Page 43 of The Omega Lesson
“I didn’t spill a drop, mummy,” she tells me proudly, then looks at Richard for approval. He’s checking his phone, so she leans towards me and whispers, “I want Mr. Muggles, but I lost him.”
“You don’t need that old thing,” Moira tells her and there’s something in her tone that makes my chest catch.
I turn to look at the other woman. “Did something happen to Bree’s favourite monkey? The one she’s had since she was born?”
“It got old and died,” Moira says bluntly. “She has a nice talking doll to replace it.”
I have to stand up and step away, or we’ll definitely need to get Moira her own hospital bed. And in one blink, I find myself leaning into the circle of Mattie and Noah’s arms. I didn’t make a conscious decision to draw them into the room, but they’re here. Holding me up while I shake with emotions I can’t let out in front of Bree.
“Who are you?” Richard asks suspiciously, and I realise he’s right behind me, watching our every move. “Are they your students, Alexa?”
God, I fucking hate the way he says my name. It was something Anton made up, because he thought Lexi didn’t suit me, and Richard always seemed to agree.
“It’s Lexi, Richard, and yes, Matthew is one of my students.” There’s no point denying it, since he’s still in his school uniform. I open my mouth to introduce him to Noah, but Richard grabs my arm. “Can I speak to you in the hall, please?”
I give the guys a loaded glance, but follow my angry ex out of the room. I can feel their eyes burning into my back, but Richard shuts the door, his jaw clenching as he stares at me. “What in God’s name are you doing, Alexa? Are you sleeping with those boys?”
Richard is only two years older than me, which must make him around the same age as Noah, but I don’t point that out. “It’s none of your business who I’m sleeping with, Richard.”
Those pale blue eyes narrow. “It is if you’re shacking up with your students while Bree is around. Exactly what kind of example would that be?”
“There’s no shacking up! And this is the first time they’ve even seen Bree.”
He huffs and rubs his temples, like just speaking to me is an ordeal. I’m used to this, and I no longer try to apologise, because the root of all our problems started with him. I refuse to own even an inch of his disappointment anymore. “I heard you’re having some problems at work,” he says with a flicker of steel in his voice. “That you might not pass your probation. Have you thought about what you’ll do then? They won’t let you keep your accommodation, Alexa. And you can’t come to me for a handout. All my money is tied up.”
My mouth falls open and for a moment, I’m too shocked to speak. Other than the bare minimum I got in the divorce – which took months to come through - Richard has never given me a cent. And I suddenly see red. “I slept in my goddamn car before I asked you for a handout, Richard. I never took anything from you and asked for a lot less than I deserved! So don’t you dare…!”
“Everything alright here?” The blood drains from my face as I hear a familiar voice at my back. Fucking shoot menow. Of all the people who had to catch me screaming at my ex in a public place, why did it have to be Travis Lyall? “Is there anything I can help with?”
I turn in a slow, reluctant circle, but Richard is already reaching past me, his hand thrust out. “Mr. Lyall, what are you doing here? Have you got family in the building?”
Travis’ dark eyes flick my way, no doubt taking in the mess that is currently my state of mind. “Is the room too small? I asked Ian to look after you.”
Richard puffs up, his face shining with delight. “Youdid this? Oh, wow. I was wondering why we were getting the royal treatment…”
“You didn’t have to,” I say quietly, earning another glare from my ex.
“The firm is talking to Mr. Lyall about managing his legal affairs.” Richard almost hisses under his breath at me, then turns his megawatt smile back Travis’ way. “Apologies on her behalf. Alexa’s never had much of a head for business.”
“I scored higher than you on my Economics final,” I shoot back, petty as ever around my ex-husband.
But he’s already drawing Travis into Bree’s hospital room. “Come and meet Moira, my omega,” he says, his voice filled with pride. “She was with me at the Summer Ball, if you recall…”
I follow reluctantly, but shake off the sound of Moira’s coos as she bats her eyelashes at Travis. I had no idea he and Richard even knew each other, but I guess it’s not surprising. My ex works in the same legal firm as my dad and brother, and they all know each other from the alpha circuit. But I ignore their happy reunion as I head back to the bed, my heart softening to see Mattie sitting beside Bree. True to her genetics, my little girl is already basking in the glow of his sunshine smile.
“Did you meet Mattie, Sweetpea? He’s in mummy’s class.”
Stuff it. They’re already comparing uniforms, Bree proudly showing off her tie clip. Mattie is holding her tiny hand, and my heart melts to see her clinging to his much larger fingers.
“She’s amazing, babe. She just told me all the colours in a rainbow,” Mattie says almost breathlessly, and if I didn’t love my sunshine boy before, I do now.
“He didn’t know them,” Bree tells me with a sympathetic look in his direction. “But I think his memory is good. He won’t forget again.”
I laugh and admit, “You might have to remind me too, Sweetpea. Is poo brown one of the colours? Or is it booger green?”
“Mummy!” Bree squeals, both delighted and disgusted in equal measure.
Mattie is laughing too, but Richard’s rebuke rips through the room. “Alexa! For God’s sake, can you show a little decorum?”