Page 46 of The Omega Lesson
I just lick him in answer, pulling him into my mouth and groaning at the taste. It’s the same sharp, heady flavour from my heat and I have to force myself to come up for air. “You’re still an alpha?”
“Yep. Not sure how long it’s going to last, though…” I plunge back down, frantic to make the most of the time I have, and his hands jerk in my hair. “God! That feels so good, I want to come already.”
Noah clicks his tongue at him, thrusting into me harder. “Gotta work on your control, bro, or you’ll ruin my rep. The Lyalls aren’t two-stroke pokers.”
I would roll my eyes if they weren’t already buried in the back of my head.
The room is misty with steam, but I can see our outline in the mirror. I look like a wanton creature as I bob over Noah, his hands glued to my hips, while my fingers clutch at the hard globes of Jack’s arse. They’re grunting and I’m moaning, my entire body so tight with pleasure it feels like my skin is on fire. But then Jack is shooting down my throat and Noah’s knot is swelling against my arse. The added pressure makes me come, and I flop into Jack’s arms, sending a wave of bathwater across the floor. It takes me a moment to realise Noah is holding his knot back, a look of pleasure-pain on his face. “You didn’t knot me?”
“Next time I knot you, I bite you,” he pants, sagging back against the side of the tub and giving my arse a slap. “Bloody perfect, sweet thing.”
I yelp, but Jack has recovered enough to help me out. He’s ready with a long, hard kiss and a soft white towel that doesn’t look like mine. I laugh at the NL monogram in hot pink thread. “This is too classy for my little bathroom, Noah…”
“You said it, not me,” he mutters, shooting a dark look at the patch of damp in the ceiling.
Jack pokes him in the ribs. “Be nice, bro.”
But I already know Noah thinks my cottage is crap. Which I guess just means he’s here for the company, not the scenery.
He doesn’t, however, complain about the roast chicken and mashed potatoes I cook up in the Aga. We eat in front of the TV, since I still haven’t got a proper table, and then Jack pulls out a bottle of champagne he bought for his aborted dinner with the Cliff family.
“Ben’s going to be extra salty when he realises I swiped it,” he grins, looking as young as Mattie as he grabs glasses from the kitchen. It’s another bottle of Dom Pérignon, and I give him a secret smile as we all curl up on the rug in front of the potbelly stove.
“Hold on a sec. I know what we need,” Noah says and heads outside, returning a moment later with a large silken bundle. I watch wide-eyed as he unwraps four huge blankets. They’re so thick and soft, I can’t tell if they’re wool or fur, but I bury my hands in one and moan in appreciation. Maybe there really is still some omega in me.
“Holy shit!” Jack gasps, rubbing a blanket against his cheek. “Are these made from vicuña wool?”
Noah grins, laying one out on the floor and pulling me down beside him. “I figure we can make a nest anywhere if we have the right stuff.”
“Stuff?” Jack chokes. “These blankets are basically spun gold.”
“Legal, though,” Noah says, rubbing his hair against the blanket. I can’t resist leaning over and burying my fingers in that, too. “If I had my way, Lexi would wear Russian sable and nothing else.”
I try to picture that and laugh. Somehow, doing the grocery shopping in an exotic fur never occurred to me.
“This is just as good,” I tell him as he runs his hands up my thighs. “Thanks, Noah. You just took my cottage from cosy to I-never-want-to-leave.”
He pulls a face, like maybe his plan backfired a bit, but then dips his mouth to mine. “Kiss me and we’re even,” he murmurs, so I do, moving from brother to brother until our lips are all red and swollen.
When we take a break to sip the champagne and stare into the crackling stove, a familiar song comes through the speaker and I sigh. “I love the Sundowners. They toured a few years ago, and we managed to get tickets, but Richard said he had a work trip. Turns out he took Moira.”
“What a fucktard,” Noah growls, and I smile, thinking that might be my new secret name for my ex.
“I saw them,” Jack says with an apologetic glance in my direction. “I missed them in London, but they headlined that music festival in France.” A blush climbs his neck and I remember it was the one where he went into heat and Ben took him to a fancy hotel to fuck for three days straight. “It was amazing to think they were local boys, up there on the stage.”
I groan into the blanket. “I’m so jealous. Jett Colter is sex on legs.”
I peek at them, but Noah shrugs. “You won’t get any arguments from me. That guy could read tax reports aloud, and I’d come my brains out.”
I laugh at that, but look curiously at Jack. “How long were you in London? If you don’t mind me asking…”
“No, I don’t mind. The first couple of years were rocky, but once I was out on my own, things got better.” He pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of rolling green hills and fat cows. “I ended up working at this place. It’s a dairy farm in Sussex. It’s a hard industry; only half break even, and it’s pretty grim for the small farms. I got interested in organic farming, and ended up studying agroecology, then working for a London think tank. Eventually I went out on my own, and now I run a lab looking at water efficient farming and sustainable soil management. All stuff I’m hoping to apply to the Lyall holdings, as well.”
“Organic sheepshaggers!” Noah hoots. “The old man must be rolling in the grave.”
Some of the light goes out of Jack’s eyes. “Yeah, that kind of stuff was never really on his radar.”
“Hey, no!” Noah says quickly, grabbing his brother’s shoulder. “Don’t misunderstand me, Jack. You were too good for him, even as a kid. And what you’ve done with your research company is phenomenal. Travis is always telling everyone you’re the family’s biggest achievement.”