Page 57 of The Omega Lesson
“Holy shit!” Mattie exclaims as he walks into the bathroom and stops dead. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack, bro? Because this is all my Ringo Tsukiyama fantasies come to life.”
I burst out laughing at that. Maybe being compared to a cross-dressing anime teacher isn’t for everyone, but I know how much Mattie idolises the character.
“You look fucking amazing,” he tells me, dropping to his knees in front of my chair. “Can you imagine how spun-out Bree is gonna be when she sees you?”
Not just Bree, given I’ve already been called out by my brother for making a spectacle of myself. But this isn’t about them, and I know my baby girl would love to see me having some fun for a change. “I’m hoping she might be there tonight. Since Anton’s playing, Richard might come along to cheer him on.”
The brothers exchange a glance, then march me over to the giant walk-in robe. Noah takes a garment bag off a rack with a swish. His eyes dance as he unzips it to reveal a hot pink Moncler polo shirt and white pleated skirt.
Mattie pulls open a drawer and I see a set of matching polos in a softer pink. “Our pack uniform. Well, for uptight tennis tournaments, at least.”
My fingers trace the navy thread stitched over the pocket. It forms a bold, interlinked pair of initials. “LC. Lyall Cliff?”
“Yep,” Mattie grins. “And check out the back.”
I turn over my polo and laugh.Team Troubleis blazed across the shoulder blades in shimmery thread.
Noah grins and gives my arse a slap. “Now, how about we go unleash your new look on our uptight brothers?”
The tournament is being held at the State Tennis Centre, with all proceeds going towards a local children’s charity. When we’re all decked out in our designer sportswear, we slip into Noah’s sportscar, the roof down and music blaring like we’re some kind of luxury tennis catalogue come to life.
It still surprises me to have people meet us at places, but a smiling official hands us all lanyards with plastic VIP cards attached, and then we’re entering through a private side door. I wonder, not for the first time, if Travis is expecting us, but I’m too keyed up to ask.
The official shows us straight to a court-side box. It’s been a while since I’ve been to the arena, but I get the familiar tingles in my belly as soon as I see the bright blue surface gleaming under powerful stadium lights. A match has just finished, so people are milling around getting snacks and socialising. But I quickly hone in on Bree, who’s sitting between Richard and Moira a few sections down.
“Okay. Wish me luck,” I tell the guys, pointing in Bree’s direction. “I’m going to say hello.”
“I’m coming,” Mattie says quickly, jumping to his feet.
“We all are.”
I smile as they follow me out of the box and along the aisle, breathing a little easier knowing they’re at my back. And my heart just soars higher when Bree catches sight of me, her eyes going wide and her little hands makinggimme gimmemotions at my pink hair. I’m so distracted by my relief that her arm is out of the brace, I miss the furious glares I’m getting from my ex and his omega.
“What in the hell are you doing, Alexa?” Richard barks. “You look completely ridiculous!”
The vitriol in his voice stops me short. “What? It’s just a tennis skirt, Richard.”
“He means your hair!” Moira hisses. Of course, even when she shakes her head in disgust, there’s not a strand out of place in her perfect platinum bob.
“It’s just a rinse,” I tell her, forcing a smile for Bree. “Mummy’s been playing around with a new look. Do you like it, Sweetpea?”
“This is exactly why your brother told you not to come.” Richard is on his feet, gathering up his things. He’s not even looking at me when he mutters, “Why can’t you just disappear into the background like you’re meant to?”
My mouth slams shut in shock, but Moira shoots me a smug look as she pops up next to him. When they start moving down the aisle, Bree reaches for me and wails, “But I wanna stay with Mummy!”
My heart clenches so hard, I almost trip over my feet as I back away. “Please, Richard. We’ll go sit down. You don’t have to leave.”
But his face is rigid with anger and I know he won’t back down. Doesn’t stop Mattie from trying, though. “What can we do to make you stay, mate? Or let Bree sit with us, at least.”
But that just gets Richard glaring at me with a curled lip. “For God’s sake! Put your toy boy on a leash, Alexa!”
Both Lyall brothers take a step forward at that, but I shake my head, holding them back. “Not in front of Bree,” I croak, trying to give my baby girl a reassuring smile. But she’s being carried off, her tear-streaked face the last thing I see before they disappear through the exit tunnel.
“Fuck me,” Noah hisses, pulling me into a hug. “Your ex is such a roaring dickhead.”
That gets a few angry mutters from the people around us, and I start pulling the guys back to the box. When we’re all seated, Noah glares at the crowd like he’s picturing thrashing them with a racquet, while Jack and Mattie both pull me in for a hug. I’m shaking, but it’s mostly anger. “I’m sorry he disrespected you like that, Mattie.”
My sunshine boy’s tiger eyes are still tinged with anger, but he just shrugs. “We all know he has shit taste, babe.”