Page 84 of The Omega Lesson
“You finally stopped calling me Alexa. It only took you a decade.”
I grunt at the teasing smile in her eyes. “I just wanted to say your name. I didn’t realise I was fucking up every time I opened my mouth.”
She shrugs, but there’s a lingering tension in her shoulders. “Mum told me she thought I’d be a boy, so they had Alexander picked out. They swapped to Alexandra when I was born, but I had it officially changed when I turned eighteen.”
Anton never talks about their mum. One day, when I asked, he just said she’d left, nothing more. But I know the pain of parents, lost and lingering, and I soothe a hand over her brow. “Well, I’m glad you’re here, Lexi.”
She bites her lip, that little frown back. “I just… never thought it would really happen. And not just Jack’s heat, or this suite... buthere,like we are now.”
“I hoped,” I murmur, stroking her hair some more just because I can. “When I saw you that night at the Old Boys’ Dinner, I didn’t know how I was going to make it happen, but I wanted you to be mine.” I’m quiet for a moment, then pull a face. “To be honest, I already thought you were mine. It’s why I was such a prick. I’d only just found you again, but somehow, you were closer to my brothers than I’d been in years.”
“There’s enough room for all of us in this pack, Travis.”
“I know that. But I’m not like them.” I jerk my head towards the ceiling. “I don’t… mix easily. People piss me off, and relationships are…”
“Messy?” She quirks her brows at me. “I get it. I don’t know how to let people in, either. And the thought of juggling five men… It’s scary. How do I know I can make you all happy?”
I blow out a breath, amazed she’d even ask. “Because happy is a stretch for us. I’m not kidding. We’ve got a lot of crap in our heads, from our parents, and the way we were brought up. It didn’t help that we lost people we loved, either. And you haven’t even seen what it means to be a Lyall or a Cliff in this country. The other guys probably haven’t mentioned it, but keeping you happy is going to be the real challenge.”
She gives me a small smile, finally letting go of my arms and sinking onto my lap. The steps are deep and wide – probably for this exact purpose - and I shudder as she nestles alongside my hard cock.
“I think we can rise to the challenge,” she murmurs, pressing her mouth to my throat. As an alpha, my neck isn’t all that sensitive, until she starts to draw feathery circles all over it with the tip of her tongue. And then she’s breathing hot air across my quivering skin and I have to bite my tongue so I don’t embarrass myself. “How about you start by making love to me?”
I groan, giving up any pretence of control. Fuck me. She’s bobbing over my lap, a hand reaching for my shaft, and I feel like both my heads are going to combust. But I grip her hips, holding her still for a moment as I gaze into her eyes. “I love you, Lexi Novak. I’m just sorry it took me so long to say it.”
And then I’m guiding her down, kissing every inch of her face and throat as I fit us together.
She’s hotter than the water, and softer than silk. But it’s the woman in my arms who takes my breath away, undulating over me as she chases her pleasure.
“Travis…” My name is a whisper, softer than the brush of water over our skin. She arches her back, lifting and sinking in a sensuous glide. “So good. So perfect.”
“Lexi.” I lift her and drop her, the water growing choppy around us. “I need you… I need to have you.”
To mark you and own you and keep you forever…
“Take me, Travis,” she replies, as if she can read the beast in my eyes. “Make me yours.”
“Your lock,” I grunt, feeling that ripple of flesh inside her. “Not until you lock me, love.”
“You want it?” Her hips stutter, and she looks at me in surprise. “I thought…”
“I want it all, Lexi. Everything you can give me.”
She nods, her hands going to my shoulders as she grinds harder on my lap. There’s pressure, the clutch of her pussy walls, and then something grabs my tip. Omega slick is still perfuming the water around us, but now I feel her alpha rise. I see it in her eyes, in the set of her jaw, in the band of muscle that locks me down and holds me deep inside her. And fuck me, if that’s not the hottest thing I’ve ever felt in my life.
“Knot me, bite me, and make me yours.”
The words are half omega plea, half alpha command, and my dick jerks in an effort to satisfy both.
“Take my knot, Lexi,” I grind out, my fingers digging into her hips as I swell against her arse. She moans and rocks, water splashing over us as she tries to let me in. But my knot is thick and heavy, more a fist than a bulge. And there’s so little room to move with my cock wedged in her lock. “Baby, don’t hurt yourself…”
But she shoots me a wicked look, bearing down hard until we both cry out. Her lips pull taut, her eyelids fluttering, but then a smile dances in her eyes as I finally breach her. I cry out, the pleasure so intense my head spins. But Lexi is a sly vision in front of me. “No one puts me on the kiddie court.”
“Fuck, no!” I laugh, but that just makes her lock tighten even more. And then my balls are tingling, my dick is being milked, and my teeth are sinking into her throat. I aim for the centre, right over her fluttering throat, where no one can ever doubt that she belongs to me.
“Holy shit!”
What I’m not expecting is the razor-sharp sting as she clamps her teeth down just as hard. My dick throbs, my knot swells, and my throat burns, but the sparkle in her eyes wipes it all away. And when she presses her bloody mouth to mine, I’m not surprised she’s smiling. “Fair’s fair, partner.”