Page 32 of The Twisted Mark
I shiver. He thinks he’s at risk of being punished for not protecting a valuable family lawyer. The punishment for not protecting a beloved daughter would be far worse. And yes, there’s no way Dad could be relied upon not to lash out at Gabriel if he knew what he’d done to me. Not just the Greenfire, but the way he’d claimed I belonged to him.
“Of course. I’d hate to see you get into trouble, and there’s no one I’d rather have guarding me.”
After all, unless I stick with my actual family 24/7, it’s unlikely anyone else would be able to resist Gabriel’s powers any more effectively.
Connor grins. “Thank you. I’m so glad you’re okay. I’ll never let something like this happen again.”
I’m sure he knows as well as I do that there wouldn’t be a lot he could do to stand against Gabriel, but for both our sakes, I let him reassure me.
In stark contrast to his usual professional attachment, he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. For a second, I freeze, then I hug him back. It’s comforting to rest against his solid chest.
Gabriel had claimed that Connor had more than just a professional interest in me. The thought had crossed my mind over dinner, too. I’m still not sure whether it’s my imagination, but after a day like this, I could do with a bit of fun. It seems worth testing.
“Let’s head to The Windmill,” I say. “Now I know the sorts of dangers lurking in this town, I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
For a moment, he frowns, as though trying to establish whether it’s a come-on. Then I wink, and he takes my arm and leads me to the car.
Screw you, Gabriel.I don’t belong to anyone, and I’ll have whoever I choose.
* * *
Against all the odds, we make it back to The Windmill and up the winding stairs to my room without any of the regulars or any of the acquaintances I’m still carefully avoiding attempting to engage us in conversation.
“Do you want a drink?” Connor asks, hovering on the threshold. “Recover from the shock and steady your nerves?”
I shake my head. I’ve already managed to push the shock deep down into my body where it can’t bother me, and my nerves are surprisingly steady. Life might be a confusing mess, but I know what I want right this moment.
“Come here,” I demand.
Connor steps away from the door and closes the space between us like he’s walking on a rickety bridge over a lake of lava. The second he’s within touching distance, I pull him the rest of the way towards me, clamp one arm around his waist, and use the other to wrench off his shirt. I have to stand on tiptoes to pull it over his head.
His eyes widen. Clearly he didn’t expect his London lawyer to be quite so forward.
I smile at the sight before me. His tight T-shirts leave little to the imagination, but I’m pleased to confirm his physique is everything I thought it would be.
“You’re not going to get in trouble for this, are you? I mean, your boss didn’t issue any strict prohibitions regarding his lawyer?”
Connor laughs. “He’d probably like the idea. The more I care, the more I’ll try to keep you safe.”
Maybe he’s right. In any case, my family used to be over-protective as hell, but that was when I was a teenager. They can’t object to my love life at this point.
Besides, however over-protective they used to be, when push came to shove, they were still willing to pimp me out to save Brendan.
I push the unwelcome thought away. I’ve never thought of it in such stark terms, and now isn’t the time for lingering on the past or worrying about the future. I’ve got a gorgeous, half-naked guy in front of me who’s eating me up with his eyes. I need to live in the moment.
I bestow my sultriest smile on him and slip off my dress. The main purpose of all the exercise I do is to keep my endorphin levels up and distract myself from magic, but there’s no getting away from the fact that my body looks good as a result. It’s one of those things you’re not meant to say. It’s supposed to be a little unseemly for women to like their bodies. But screw it. There are lots of things I don’t like about myself. My defined abs and narrow waist and rounded bottom do not make the shortlist.
He gives a little whimper of excitement at my mostly naked form. I hadn’t bothered with a bra, but I had worn hold-ups and sweetly lacy underwear, even though I’d had every intention of returning home alone. It’s a point of pride.
“Get those trousers off,” I order, half stern, half giggling. He obeys with a dazed look in his eyes. His thighs and bum are as appealing as his chest. And after a night like this, it’s good to feel in control.
I pull him in for a kiss. He bows his head and succumbs. My arms are around his shoulders and his arms are around my waist, and it’s impossible to say who’s holding on the tightest.
He scoops me up, kisses me once more, then lays me down on the bed.
“You definitely want to do this?” he asks. “It’s not some weird reaction to everything that’s happened tonight? I wouldn’t have thought I was your type.”
“I don’t have a type. And yes, Connor, of course I damn well want to do this.”