Page 75 of The Twisted Mark
By the time I get back to The Windmill, it’s three PM. If I’m going to be ridiculous enough to go on an actual date with Gabriel, I could at least have the self-respect to avoid looking like I’ve made an effort, but I can’t resist.
I’d go to Chrissie, normally, but that’d result in a whole load of questions I don’t want to get into. I can’t even visit any of the salons in town—everyone knows my family and likes to gossip.
Instead, I do the best I can with a mixture of conventional and magical techniques, both of which my sister drilled into me, neither of which I’m quite as good at as her. But I’m happy with the end result. My outfit and hair are simple and pretty: white knee-length cotton dress and light waves around my face, respectively.
The saucy underwear I’ve conjured into being makes me a little guilty. The love potion I dab on my pulse points makes me feel worse. It’s not like it’ll have any effect on Gabriel. It’s more for my confidence… but it’s the principle of the thing.
I keep telling myself this is entirely justifiable as an opportunity to find out what really happened the night Niall Thornber died, but it’s not a wildly convincing argument, even to myself.
I’ve never known three hours go by so quickly. I stuff my heels in my oversized bag and throw on some sparkly flip-flops, then head downstairs, nod at the other patrons, and stride off towards the edge of town.
You should have let him pick you up here,a treacherous part of my mind chides.If you’re doing this, then own it. No need to be ashamed. No need to worry about what other people think.
Normally, that’s exactly the kind of motto I live by. But of course, I should be ashamed of this, and I couldn’t possibly let other people know. It’d get back to my family, and they’d quite rightly be worried and horrified in equal measure.
All that aside, it’s good to walk in the slowly cooling early evening air. Since I’ve been back in Mannith, I’ve started to drive everywhere without thinking about it, while I’ll happily walk a couple of miles in London, or at least as far as the train station. Despite all my exercise, my leg muscles must be in danger of atrophying.
Gabriel’s distinctive car and even more distinctive profile are right where he promised. No playing games, no running late or making me wait. I take a deep breath and tell myself this is a normal date and I’m playing the role of relaxed, sexy young woman.
“I wasn’t sure you’d come,” he says, with a huge smile when I stand by the driver-side door.
“Don’t tell me that’s a hint of self-doubt? That must be a first for you.”
“I don’t normally have any worries about my charms. But then, I don’t usually have such a turbulent prior history with my dates.”
He lets himself out of the car then opens the passenger door. I can’t help but smile at the sight of him in tight jeans and pale pink tailored shirt, sunglasses pushing back his floppy hair and showing his eyes—a sort of rose-gold right now—in all their glory.
“You look beautiful,” he says as I slide onto the low seat. “You always do. But tonight more than ever. Perhaps because you went to all that effort for me.”
I laugh as he closes the door and returns to the driver’s seat. “Oh, please. I’ve made an effort for the benefit of the fancy restaurant and of the photographs I intend to post online so my friends back home don’t start to wonder if I’m dead.”
“Do you really not think of this as your home anymore? That’s sad.” Then he grins, leans over, and buries his head in my neck. “Sadie Sadler. You are absolutely doused in Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, and all the rest of it. Now don’t tell me that’s for the benefit of the waiters.”
“It’s not like it’d work on you anyway,” I say defensively, fighting the irrational urge to stroke his hair and press him deeper against me.
“Not on the level of a spell, no. But it still makes you smell sexy as hell. And while I appreciate the gesture, youreallydon’t need to attempt to work any love magic on me. That ship’s well and truly sailed.”
He smells amazing, too. I think it’s an expensive aftershave rather than a potionper se, but that line is as blurry as the one between magic and technology.
He sits back up and starts to drive. I lean back and feast my eyes on him. If I’m going to do this, I might as well make the most of it.
Please let this be a good night,I silently pray.Please don’t let there be drama. Please don’t let there be danger. And for goodness’ sake, please let me escape with my heart intact.
A few minutes later, I feel that disquieting little flicker as the car reaches the outskirts of Mannith and pulls through the Dome. Outside of it, I’m able to think a little more clearly. I steel myself. There’s enjoying the moment, and then there’s giving in.
“You said you wanted to explain. To apologise. How about we put the flirtation on hold for a moment?”
Gabriel nods, slowly, then turns to look at me. The car continues to speed along, though his eyes are nowhere near the road and his hands barely on the steering wheel. His magic is taking the strain.
“I’ve told you before that I always have at least two reasons for everything I do. It’s true, but it’s also a throwaway line. A shield. You deserve more than that.”
He alternates between gazing into my eyes and staring at the dashboard like it contains the secrets of the universe. Of course, he could be putting on a show. He’s so damn difficult to read.
“It’s hard to know where to start with apologies. The lien, I guess. Imposing it on you was a moment of madness. There’s no sane way of explaining that one away. At some point, I want to tell you more about what drove me to it, but let’s park that for now.
“Then there was the Greenfire. I didn’t want to hurt you. I just wanted to know for sure that you were who I thought. And I wanted you to stop repressing your power. I thought you’d fight back within seconds.”
“And if I wasn’t who you thought? You’d have broken a human with that concentrated an attack. Probably a weaker practitioner, too.”