Page 3 of The Jaguar's Flower
There were two types of soldiers in the training facility: Spartan and Caesar. While the Caesar types preferred to be dressed to the max, the Spartan types preferred lesser to no clothing.
Unfortunately, his brother fell on the latter. He cleared his throat after Avel tossed the other soldier to the ground. “I have the report.”
“Now?” Avel groaned as he sat on his knees. “Why now?” He nudged the other soldier beside him. “Dra — 002, let’s get dressed.” The other jaguar scowled before he stormed over to grab a nearby robe.
002 grabbed his communication device. “Speak with him. I need to prepare for my duties.”. Tardiness was never acceptable, especially with their assigned duties to the staff.
“We’ll continue our sparring session later.” Avel wrapped the robe around his body. Once 002 left the room, the jaguar glanced at Mac. “What did Renfield say?”
“Limited interactions with the new staff. We must appear as one,” Mac informed.
“Same bullshit as the rest?”
Mac nodded. “He also warned that if we fail this time, we will return to the rehabilitation center.”
Both brothers nodded their understanding. “We must portray ourselves as one. We cannot fail this mission, Avel.” The shifter sat on the edge of the sparring ring. “We will need to report every night before your nightly patrols on each interaction we carry with staff members.”
“Then nothing has changed?” Avel side-eyed his brother. “002 can pick us apart, as well as 009 and 023. Granted, the last two have a harder time unless we speak around them.” The jaguar touched his throat as he fell into the past for a moment
“We should have nothing to fear.”Then why are you scared?Mac rolled his neck as he rubbed his jaw. “Communicating with the new staff will be minimal and straightforward.”
Avel shrugged. “Shouldn’t be difficult. Are we finished here?”
“For now.” Mac rose from his spot. Before he exited the arena, he paused in front of Avel. “Why can Draven tell us apart?” He used 002’s name. When Avel tensed, he took notice of it.
“He’s observant.” The jaguar leaned back on his hands but kept his eyes to the side. Mac squinted in suspicion. “And he’s also my sparring partner. The only one who can handle my animalist urges to beat the fuck out of someone.”
Mac dropped the topic. “As long as it doesn’t put us under a microscope.” The jaguar didn’t need to continue further. The threat over their heads was motivation enough. “See you tonight, Avel.” He turned away and left the arena.
Chapter two
“Pleasedisplayyoursecuritypasses prominently on your person. Otherwise, the guards will stop you.” A woman in her mid-thirties spoke in a gentle tone to the small group gathered.
“I am Sophia Robinson, head of the human relations department. Please be mindful of the individual contracts that you signed before receiving your security passes.” Her eyes scanned the group to ensure all the name badges were displayed properly. “Dr. Renfield will be along shortly to take you through the tour of the facility.”
Dr. Violet Morris absently reached into the pocket of her lab coat and retrieved a piece of hard candy. While in college, she formed an unbreakable habit. The torture of social settings reinforced the need for candies. She forced a smile to her lips as she ignored the murmured conversations around her.
Excitement buzzed around the others assigned to the tour, but Violet wanted to begin her lab work. Supposedly, her research on genetics was fundamental to the experiments conducted within this Department of Defense-sanctioned facility.
However, when she attempted to gain more information on it through an internet search, the facility didn’t exist. It only reminded her of the confidentiality clauses within the contract she signed. Her curiosity grew about the other new hires since they assured her she was the only one assigned to work on the genetics project.
Three days ago, Violet received approval for her security clearance. Friday, she moved into her apartment on-site and spent the weekend unpacking and organizing all of her things. After the tour, her work began on the genetics side of the research project.
An older man joined the group and clapped his hands to gain their attention. Violet noticed Sophia quickly disappeared from the group, which only told Violet this was the exalted doctor that they waited for.
There was no warmth to his voice when he spoke. As a clinician, he didn’t see the need to waste time on frivolities. “I would like to remind everyone that personal cell phones and other electronic devices are forbidden outside of the dormitory setting. If you have forgotten today, please leave your devices here. They will be returned at the end of your workday. If you are caught with one, I will terminate you without exception.”
People murmured around Violet. A few stepped forward and placed their devices on the table with the coffeemaker and pastries. “Before we begin, are there questions? If not, please hold questions until the end of the tour.”
Two guards walked up and stood at the back of the group. Violet noticed their sidearms along with the rifles they carried. Unfortunately, she knew little about guns. It was enough to remind her they were in a military facility, no matter the research she was here to conduct. Since the group remained stationary, she raised her hand and whispered, “Why are there guards?” All eyes turned toward her, which caused the shy geneticist to wish she had never spoken.
“If you read your contracts, you know this facility is serious about security. At least one guard will accompany any that move through the floors. Since this is your first tour, the guards are here to ensure that all act appropriately.”
When no one else spoke, the doctor nodded. “Let me begin the tour by introducing myself. My name is Dr. Jared Renfield, and I am the head of this facility. You will address me as Dr. Renfield or Renfield. I will learn none of your names unless I deem you of some value to my work. Do not take offense to this. If you cannot handle this, then you would do best not to waste any of our time and head to HR now to tender your resignation.”
A woman stood near the front and slightly to the right of Violet gasped and turned to leave. Dr. Renfield paid her no attention as he led the rest of the group through a set of double doors. “Once we exit the first floor, you will violate your individual contracts if you attempt to leave. We conduct various research projects for the DOD. That’s why it was necessary for all of you to sign nondisclosure agreements and employment contracts.”
His voice continued to drone on while Violet remained at the back of the group. She wondered if all the secrecy and guards were truly necessary, but she had never worked for a government entity. As far as she knew, this was all standard, given what she knew about government research. Her eyes roamed the rest of the group. She noted she was the youngest person in attendance. However, after receiving their professional licenses, she assumed there would be others fresh from school.