Page 60 of Forging Caine
No argument from me on that point.
“Speaking of too much testosterone.” She waved a hand toward the street, visible through the glass wall. A sleek black Audi coupe parallel parked in front of the building, a petite passenger with dark hair in the front seat.
Lorenzo, my younger brother, got out of the driver’s seat and came around to open the passenger’s door. He was casual, despite it being working hours, in jeans with a quarter-zip navy sweater.
“I could smack that boy,” said Sofia.
“Why?” I stood transfixed as—as Lucy got out of the car.
Talking a mile a minute Lucy. Always popping gum bubbles Lucy. Samantha’s best friend Lucy. Why was she with—and why was she wearing a Wharton T-shirt under her black jacket? That was Lorenzo’s alma mater.
When Samantha and I arrived at my cousin Mario’s home in January, Samantha mentioned Lucy had texted her many times about Lorenzo. That was the last time she’d told me about it. My brother was not as open about his personal life as I was, but surely Samantha would have told me about this? “What’s going on with them?”
“Nothing!” She threw her hands in the air as she made her way to the door. “You see how he looks at her? You need to talk some sense into him.”
Lucy entered first, gave Sofia a quick kiss on the cheek, and rushed to my side, throwing her arms around me. “Antonio! It’s been too long!”
“Sì, it has.” I kissed the air by her cheeks and stepped back. “How are—”
“We’re just here for a few minutes. Lorenzo needs to talk to your dad about some business stuff, and then we’re going out to—”
“Do you want to see the offices upstairs?” Sofia slipped her arm around Lucy’s waist. “It’s almost finished.”
“Ooh, yes!” Lucy patted my arm as she left. “Good to have you home again.”
Lorenzo’s gaze lingered on the spot where the women disappeared around the reception wall, Lucy’s voice trailing off as they got further away. He came to my side, lips tightening. “Good flight home?”
“What are you doing here?”
“I see the charismatic brother is just as charming as always.” Strange comment, considering he flirted as much as I used to.
“No. I mean, shouldn’t you be working?”
He shrugged. “Lucy’s commencement is this weekend and she needed to get some new shoes.”
“You’re dating Lucy?” This felt like information I should have had.
“Lucy?” He scoffed. What did that mean? “We’re just friends.”
Sofia might have been right about him.
“You took the day off work to help a friend buy shoes? A friend who owns her own car?”
“I told you, we’re just friends.” He put his hands up, as if in surrender. “I know the rules.”
This conversation made less sense the longer it went on. “What rules?”
“She’s yours. Flirt, but don’t touch. You’ve been very clear about that in the past.”
“No…Samanthais mine. Don’t flirt withher. Don’t touchher.”
“Whatever.” Lorenzo rolled his eyes dramatically, like the youngest born he was. He walked past me, toward the studio. “I need to see Papa about his investment portfolio.”
I grabbed his arm, turning him to see me. “Not whatever.”
He yanked his arm free and straightened his sweater. “No dating your girlfriend’s best friend.”