Page 94 of Forging Caine
“It must be between the hand and the water at 13 Fell.”
“So, somewhere inside this house isGrainfield at Middayfrom the pawnshop. That’s a link, Antonio. A concrete link between Fiori and the pawnshop.”
“Evidence.” He took my face in his hands, a darkness creeping over him, pushing back the light he was trying to share with me. “Evidence that gets us or our families killed. You remember that part, sì?”
“I do.” But there had to be a way to make this work. “If we take him down, do you think someone else would carry through on the threat?”
“I don’t know. But by the time we find out, it might be too late.”
Chapter 31
Anhourlater,BodyguardThree led Antonio and me down the hallway, around a corner, and into a long room with a half dozen tall windows. I held my head high, despite the light blue shirt and dark blue pants—no matter how comfortable or well-fitting they were—proclaiming I was under Fiori’s control.
The conservation studio was a surprise inside the mansion. Large worktables on caster wheels, bins of equipment, a fridge that no doubt held perishable materials. Empty frames hung from the walls, while an open rack of shelves seemed to hold paintings. Two easels sat against the far wall, with louvered spotlights pointing at them.
It reminded me of a small-scale version of the conservation lab at the Metropolitan Museum. All professional, without the warm and cozy feeling of the Ferraro’s studio in Brenton.
Antonio strolled through the room. “This is impressive.”
Why did he have this in his home? Although Elliot had mentioned three homes in other countries, so maybe that was simply what he did withthishome.
“Blue suits you, Ms. Caine.” Fiori entered the room with one bodyguard, Baptiste and the man who’d opened the helicopter door for him. Fiori pointed to the open shelves. “The storage racks are over there. The four pieces you’ll be working on are marked with red tape.”
Antonio knelt next to a worktable, rummaging through the shelves and drawers underneath. “I confess, Pasquale, I doubted you’d have what I’d need, but I think you’re right.”
“Do you do conservation in all of your homes?” I asked.
“I like this inquisitive side of you.” Fiori’s chin raised and his chest puffed, his superiority complex on full display. “I’m a serious collector. Rather than having to rotate my pieces and ship them off to conservators around the world, I found it easier to hire in-house. So, not in all of them, but a few.”
Antonio continued his exploration. “Raman spectrometer, x-ray fluorescence spectrometer… do you have a gas chromatograph? And a charger for my phone?”
Fiori turned to Bodyguard Three. “Show the others in.”
The big man walked to the end of the long room and opened a door, calling through it for someone to join them. He returned, followed by two men.
The first walked with a swagger, chin just as high as Fiori’s. Tall and thin with light brown hair and too much pomade, his hawkish nose held up thick black glasses.
“This is Zane,” said Fiori. “He’s our chief conservator here.”
A second man appeared from behind Zane, moving much slower.
I froze.
Short, dirty blond hair and a goatee. It couldn’t be. Tired, almost unfocused eyes, and a forced smile which grew when he saw me.
“This is…” Fiori’s speech slowed. “I suppose I don’t have to introduce Cam-ron Parker, do I? He’s our second generation conservator. You know his father, don’t you?”
Cam-ron was a conservator? Not just a painter? And he washere?
“Yes.” My brain whirred with questions. “Brenton’s a small town.”
Cam-ron held out a hand to shake, as strong as wilted celery, just like the first time. “Good to see you again, Samantha. It’s been a long time.”
I’d gone on a blind date with him last summer. It went so poorly, I got up and left, but I met Antonio because of that. Without that night, I never would have ended up at the auction to find the stolen painting, in Naples to find the stolen fresco, and Rhonda wouldn’t have called me to investigate the paintings Parker was helping to smuggle.
It may have been the worst date ever, but it set my life on the path to amazing things. Maybe our fates were intertwined.