Page 101 of Evil Boys
I smirk. The thought of taking more photos of her in various compromising positions makes my cock twitch.
Kai: As long as I get to take a peek at them too.
Me: Whenever you want. Mi casa es su casa.
Kai: Good. Anyway … Are we still going tonight?
Me: Ofc. We need the money.
Kai: You. You need the money.
Me: But you’ll help.
Kai: If you ask nicely.
I roll my eyes. Always the one to make me beg. Milo couldn’t do it, but Kai … damn him.
Me: Please.
Kai: What is it that you told Milo again? Oh right … good boy.
Me: Do you enjoy this?
Kai: Very much.
Me: I’ll give you a test ride if you want.
Kai: Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer one day.
I smirk and look up from my phone down to where he’s sitting, and he briefly glances over his shoulder and winks at me. Maybe one day, he won’t be such a wuss and join Milo and me in the playroom.
Kai: Enough banter. We’ll talk later about our business for tonight. Put your phone away before someone sees.
Me: Got it, boss.
But I merely close the app and open the image right back up so it’s centered on my screen. I can’t fucking stop staring at her. No wonder he was so hung up on her the second he got ahold of her ribbon.
“Got yourself a new obsession, Nathan?”
I turn my gaze across my shoulder to the fucker who dared to sneak a glimpse at my phone, fuming with fire. A fucker from Tartarus, no less. A society we used to be allied with until they abandoned us when we needed them the most.
“Did I ask you something, Rhett?”
His eyes connect with someone sitting a few rows down, and I don’t need to see who he’s looking at to know who’s sitting there.
Still, he shrugs. “Don’t need to. You make it obvious as fuck. Didn’t peg you to be the type to bring girls to their knees, though, but I dig it,” he says, winking. “Boys, girls, anything with a hole is good.”
“Get your fucking nose out of my business,” I growl. “Before I cut it off.”
He raises his hands. “Relax, I’m not. I didn’t see much except for some tied hands. I don’t give a fuck who you’re banging,” he says. “I’m just surprised any of them would do you.”
My eyes begin to twitch.
The foul smirk on his face makes me home in on him. “You know … need some fingers to pleasure a girl.”
He lifts his hand with one finger lowered.