Page 105 of Evil Boys
“It’s all right,” the dean says. “I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay at school. How are your classes?”
She blinks and throws us both a look before answering, and fuck me, my heart just skipped a beat at the possibility of her spilling all the beans to her father.
She wouldn’t dare … would she?
“I’m … adjusting,” she replies. “The first months were quite boring, but now that I’ve found out where I fit in.” Her eyes narrow at me, and the weight her glare carries could make any man fall to their knees and beg for mercy. But I’m not merely any man. Not to her.
“It’s become quite the game to get ahead.”
“Hmm, don’t get yourself too worked up with grades,” he says, totally oblivious to the double meaning in her words. “Above average is good enough for the business.”
Her face contorts at that last word, and she focuses on him. “Dad, I can be a great asset to the company on my own, unlike Felix.”
I glance at Nathan, who seethes from the mere mention of his name.
The dean grips her shoulders. “Felix is doing great, as are you. Now are you still available for tonight’s dinner?”
She smiles at him, but I can’t tell if it’s an actual genuine smile or if she secretly wants to end everyone in this room.
“Sorry, I can’t tonight. I have a test tomorrow, and I forgot to study for it, so it’s gonna be an all-nighter.”
“Aw … well, I’ll move it to tomorrow then.”
Her teeth glint in the light. “Perfect. Wouldn’t want to miss a second.”
But her eyes … her eyes are all over me, as though each glare is a tiny knife cutting away at my skin. And fuck me, it almost makes me moan right there and then.
“And bring your boy … What’s his name? Jason.”
Her boy?
The mere mention of his name makes me want to cut out his heart and hand it to them on a silver platter. But if I did that, her father would definitely know I’m involved with her.
And then the Phantom Society would cease to exist.
She kisses him on the cheek again. “Of course. Love you.”
But her eyes remain on mine, almost as if she wants to say “you will never hear these words.”
But I can wait. I’ll wait as long as I have to for a girl like her.
And one day … she’ll say those words to my face while she’s on her knees, sucking me dry.
A wicked grin spreads on my lips as she walks away, leaving an air of death and destruction in her wake. “See you tonight.”
I don’t know if she said that to him … or us.
Was that a threat?
“Boys,” the dean says, turning to look at us. “You’re dismissed.”
We hop off our chairs like predators ready for a chase, but the second I open the door, the dean adds, “Don’t forget … no more fighting. Or I will resort to heavier punishments.”
“Yes, sir,” Nathan replies before he shuts the door behind us.
Down below, the last flicker of her black hair disappears behind the stairs, and I rush after her.