Page 115 of Evil Boys
“Hey, I can’t help he was spying on you,” I say.
But I immediately regret it the moment I say the words out loud.
Because from the way her pupils dilate, this is new info to her.
And I just fucking spilled the beans on the one thing I promised not to tell.
“What did you just say?”
She immediately pushes the knife against my throat again. “Tell me. Right now. Are there cameras in my room?”
Well, if I’m being threatened like this, I’m sure the bros won’t mind if I spill the beans. “Yes.”
She looks like a motherfucking dragon ready to breathe fire. “FUCK!”
She retracts the knife, only to chuck my phone at my face.
“Wait, don’t tell Kai I was the one who told you,” I say as she marches toward the door. “He will kill me. Slowly. And it won’t be any fun.”
“Fuck that,” she growls back as she storms out. “He won’t because I’m going to fucking kill him.”
I don’t know whether to be scared or deathly turned on.
Probably both.
I can’t even cope with how fucked up that whole encounter with Milo was and how conflicted it made me because I’m too consumed with rage to even care.
I head straight for my sorority and run upstairs. Halfway across the hall, I bump into Irina.
“Lana? What’s up? You seem in a hurry.”
“Sorry, have to get to my laptop,” I reply.
“School?” she asks.
“No. Boys.”
She grins as I pass her. “Oh … boys.Multiple? Nice.”
Well, it’s anything but nice, but I don’t want to involve her in this mess I’ve created.
“Don’t tell anyone.” I wink at her before I shut my door and look around.
Rage bubbles up to the surface as I scan the area, trying to compose myself, but the more I think about just how much of an obsessed maniac this fucker must be to put actual fucking cameras in my room, the more I’m beginning to lose my shit.
Grunting, I tear away at my pillows, look under my bed, under my desk, my chair, my notes, all of my books. My shelves come undone as I rip everything apart and check behind each item. Nothing is left unscathed.
Until I finally find it.
A tiny square box with a camera and a wireless transmitter.