Page 158 of Evil Boys
Irina laughs. “You always say that, yet you’re still here.”
“Exactly. Why don’t I just stop?” Brooke whines.
I grab her papers and hand her a bottle of water. “Have a drink first. Take a breath. Try again later.”
She groans but still takes the bottle to chug down some water. “You’re always so calm and collected. I don’t know how you do it.”
I snort. “That’s just what I want you to see. On the inside, I’m a raging witch.”
“Well, that makes two of us,” she retorts, laughing. She spots someone behind us, and her eyes almost melt off her face. “Oh my God, don’t look. It’s those Phantom boys. I think they’re coming over here.”
“Wait, what?”
She slaps me with a book when I attempt to look over my shoulder. “I said don’t look.”
“Why not?” I hiss back, frowning. “Are you scared or something?”
“I don’t want to look desperate.”
My face contorts as I try to keep my laugh together. “Girl, why?”
“We danced, remember? At their party?” she says.
Oh right, I almost forgot Kai danced with them. But he only did that to get information out of them about me.
Brooke taps Irina’s shoulder. “Quick, does my lipstick look good?”
“You look fine,” Irina replies. “Who is it?”
Brooke whispers, “I think it’s Nathan.”
Oh boy.
And here I was, trying to keep my shit together.
After our altercation in his room the other day, I haven’t been able to think about much else. The way he looked at me, almost as if he could want more from me than just my body, still makes me shiver.
Something has changed.
Not just with him … but with me.
When I saw that little girl jump into his arms, I think it was the first time I saw him for the man he really is. Protective and loving. And that scares me.
I can’t help but turn my head, curious if he’s really on his way here.
Nathan marches into the place like he owns it in that preppy boy outfit of his, and my eyes instinctively follow wherever he goes. His swagger is unmistakable as he looks around, searching for something. I look up, almost wondering if it’s me he’s after. His eyes briefly connect with mine, and the pen in my hand stops moving. I can’t look away even though I know I should.
These fucking boys aren’t right for me.
They’re a foul distraction, nothing more than devils in disguise looking for trouble.
Yet I can’t seem to stop thinking about every dirty fucking thing they did to my body. Especially now that I knowwhy.
It doesn’t excuse what they did, but for some reason, it feels like it all suddenly makes sense.
But they’re actively extorting you, Lana.
Nathan sets his eyes on Milo, who’s chatting on the couch with a guy I’ve never seen before. A guy with long black hair and a charming smile. Nathan talks to the guy like he knows him, and I wonder how many more friends those two have outside of the Phantom Society. If they told anyone about me.