Page 210 of Evil Boys
“I’m done lying around. I hate that place,” I say, coughing, but it hurts so much I cringe.
“Are you sure that’s a smart idea?” she asks.
“I told you to rest,” Nathan growls, annoyed.
“I know,” I reply. “I just … missed you guys.”
Nathan’s face visibly relaxes as he approaches me, and he goes down on his knees in front of me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
I nod. “Good enough to sit.”
He eyes the bandages.
“It’ll heal. Or so I’ve been told by the nurses. They took out quite a few bullets.” I fish a tiny bag from my pocket and show it to them with a grin. “Look. Souvenirs.”
Suddenly, Nathan lunges at me and wraps his arms around me, smothering me.
“Thank you. Thank you for protecting her.”
“But … I failed,” I mutter.
“No.” He grips my chin and makes me look at him. “You almost gave your life. And for that I’ll be eternally grateful.”
“You sure are throwing around a lot of eternities lately,” Lana muses, putting her hand against her side.
Kai looks her up and down. “Looks like you’ve got three problems on your hands now instead of just one.”
She snorts. “If that’s my biggest problem, it’s not so bad.”
“I’m not a problem for anyone,” I say.
Nathan leans back. “Oh really? Then what do you call showing up here while you should be in a bed being taken care of?”
I shrug. “You know I can’t resist the urge to be with you all.”
* * *
I scoffand fold my arms. “Yeah, right.”
“What?” Milo says, confused. “I mean it.”
“Y’all are only with me to get some free pussy,” I retort.
All the boys frown, but they know I’m right. We had an agreement, and that’s why they all keep coming back. But if it wasn’t for that deal …
Kai tilts up my chin. “You think that’s the only reason, or are you just telling yourself that so you don’t have to feel like we destroyed that icy barrier you kept your heart locked up in?”
But that’s not just it.
I raise my hands and show some of the blood still caked on there. Guess that shower didn’t work out after all, thanks to Nathan.
“Look at me. This is who I am. A natural born killer.”
Kai lowers his eyes at me, his green eye smoldering with desire. “Iamlooking at you.”
“We see you for who you are,” Milo says as he gets up from the chair.