Page 99 of Evil Boys
“This picture is just one of many more I’ll use to make her pay,” he whispers as a wicked smile forms on his face.
My eyes immediately flick to Kai, who’s still glaring at us through the mirror, but he can’t hear the words Nathan whispers.
Nathan violently grips my chin, forcing me to focus on his icy-blue eyes. “Shhh … eyes and ears on me. Always.”
“What are you two talking about?” Kai asks.
“His hungry cock,” Nathan retorts, briefly glancing at him. “Want some?”
“I’m spent, thanks,” Kai replies, rolling his eye, and he focuses on the road again.
Nathan’s fingers play me faster and faster until I can barely focus on the words he whispers into my ear like a lullaby. “She wants us to keep her violent secret and this filth to ourselves? We can, for a price.”
A grin forms on my face. “You’re an evil fucker. You know that, right?”
He smirks against my ear and playfully slaps me on the cheek as he says, “Just the right amount for a Phantom Society fucker. Now, are you going to make me wait, or do I have to wring that cum out of this cock myself?”
And I can’t help but obey his every sick whim as he drives me deep into the trenches of hellish lust only a sadistic master like him could.
* * *
I dragthe jacket over my body, coughing up the salty cum, trying to stay calm.
But my heart … it’s never raged this hard, this loudly, and a scream still manages to burst through my mouth and fill this dark void with a fight for life.
They may have left me like a discarded toy, but I refuse to fucking give up.
They think they can breakme?
Over my deadfuckingbody.
I crawl up from the pavement, still dripping from all exits, still adjusting to the feeling of having been taken from both sides. Now barren. As though my body misses something it never knew it craved so badly.
And it makes me rage so wildly I scream again as I stand, pouring every inch of rage into this one bellow before I swallow it all down, never to be seen again.
I waltz to my knife and phone, picking both up from the ground, wiping the dirt on my clothes before I grasp my heels and put them back on.
My phone still works despite the rain, so I swiftly open the group chat app and text the girls. I find a bunch of texts from them both.
Brooke: Where R U?
Brooke: Hello? Earth to Lana?
Brooke: This isn’t funny.
Crystal: Lana, please RE! Are u OK? You disappeared on us.
Brooke: Tell me ur in the bathroom, or I swear to God I’ll walk over to your brother and tell him you’re missing. I don’t want no fuckin trouble.
Me: Sry, got sick so I got home on my bike. Don’t worry bout me.
It’s so obviously a lie, but I don’t want her to worry.