Page 86 of Isaac
“We’re not leaving without a meeting,” the other King says. He’s got a reddish-brown beard and a cocky smirk on his face.
“You look outmatched, boys. Why don’t you head on back home before one of my men gets trigger-happy.”
Neither is fazed by the threat. In fact, they both grin. “You see,” the tallest starts, “we’ve got our own trigger-happy men. They’re right outside in the parking lot. One is an army sniper who had the highest kill count before he got dishonorably discharged.”
“Why don’t you get to the point?” I tell him.
“You can either meet with us and let us leave unharmed, or you can kill us, and then none of you will ever step foot out of this bar again.”
Fuck them all to hell. It’s a trap, and there’s not a goddamn thing I can do about it.
“Let them through,” I grit out before walking back to my office, trying to keep my temper in check. It’s not easy lately. Gina wasn’t wrong the other night. Horny, hotheaded, and heartbroken is a recipe for disaster.
I’ve already taken my seat behind the desk when the men come through the door. The second one shuts it, but I know my men will all be right outside in the hallway, trying to listen in and ready to pounce if needed.
Let’s hope it doesn’t come to a shootout. I really don’t want to fucking die today.
“Sorry we didn’t get to introduce ourselves earlier. I’m Torin Fury. This is my brother, Chase,” the one with the president patch says as the two men take the seats in front of my desk. They look as casual as can be, like they’re talking to an accountant and not the president of a rival MC.
“What did you want to meet about?”
“Patching over. But I’m guessing you already knew that,” Torin replies.
“Worried about your snitch in the Rockland chapter?”
“Nah,” Chase says. “We wanted you to know that we were coming so you could prepare your men.”
“This doesn’t have to be a hostile patch over, Isaac,” Torin remarks.
“Tough shit. We voted. None of my men want to wear the skull king.”
“Then you’re gonna have to veto them all and do the right thing.”
“I don’t have to do shit. I don’t take orders from you or the children running the Rockland chapter!”
Torin looks to Chase, some unspoken conversation happening between them before Torin gives a slight nod of his head. Then Chase says, “So you won’t take orders from children, but you don’t seem to have a problem fucking them?”
I’m on my feet before the thought even happens, glowering over them. “Maybe none of us will walk out of here alive today,” I threaten him after that insult.
“Forgive my brother, Isaac,” Torin says. “He was only trying to convey that the president of the Rockland chapter is not many years older than your…acquaintance. Holly Garrison?” My blood turns cold at the sound of her name coming from them, knowing she’s in danger now, and it’s my fucking fault. “She lives with Brooke Morgan, right? And she just so happens to be your youngest daughter’s best friend.”
“How…” I can’t even find the words to ask how the fuck they know that and what the fuck they plan to do with that information.
“We’re really good at this outlaw thing,” Torin says. “And we don’t let anyone wear the skull king without doing a thorough background check on them.”
I shake my head. “There’s no fucking background check that would tell you that shit.”
“I didn’t claim that our background checks were legal. Outlaws, remember?”
“If you touch her or my daughters…”
“Relax, Isaac,” Chase says. “We don’t hurt women or children.” He half-heartedly tries to contain his smirk and fails at the reiterated insult.
“We’re not the ones you need to worry about when it comes to Holly,” Torin says. “You kicked a hornet’s nest a few months ago. They haven’t forgotten.’
“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask as I retake my seat.