Page 10 of Burned
“I’m fine,” I state, turning back to Wells. “What’s on the agenda today?”
“Eating,” his brother says.
“Didn’t ask you.” I refuse to look at him, but Wells just looks back and forth between the two of us, like he’s afraid to jump in between.
“Don’t care,” Rhett states. “Get your ass on the horse.”
“Excuse me?” I glance around and see a horse tied to a tree, its head bent down as it sniffs and bites at the grass. “No.” I shake my head. No way in hell I am getting on that horse with Mr. Grump. No. We would have to sit way too close to one another, and I know my lady bits cannot handle it.
I walk off toward my ATV that Wells left here yesterday instead. If he wants me to eat, he can ride along with me and pick up his damn horse later. I’m not getting on that thing.
“Poppy Sharpe!”
He just full fucking named me.
“Rhett Black!” I shout back over my shoulder, but when I glance back, he’s hot on my heels, his arms pumping and his legs carrying him much faster than mine can carry me. “What are you doing?”
“Rhett!” Wells says in a warning tone.
But it’s too late. Rhett grabs my arm, spins me around, and lifts me up over his shoulder like I weigh as much as a feather. My face smacks against his ass before I can catch myself, and that isnothow I wanted to be introduced to it.
“Rhett!” Wells yells again, harsher this time. “You can’t just go cartin’ her around like she’s one of your kids!”
Kids? He’s a dad? Who in the ever-loving hell could put up with this man long enough to have babies with him?
“Watch me,” Rhett grunts.
“This is so incredibly unprofessional,” I say, my word laced with annoyance.
“Like that dress you were wearing yesterday?” he asks, tossing me up onto the horse, who is clearly used to his shenanigans. That poor thing doesn’t bat an eye. “Or how you were late and covered in wine this morning?”
He looks up at me, the sun shining through the trees to shine on his brown eyes that almost look like honey in this light. I can’t help myself — I make a face at him. I don’t stick my tongue out, but I may as well have, it’s that childish of a face. And lo and behold, the grump can smile. Because he drops his head and laughs into the horse’s neck before grabbing hold of the saddle and hopping up behind me.
I can’t lie, it’s pretty hot how easily he can just swing me and himself around like that. It’s not too hard to imagine what he could do in the bedroom with muscles like that. And that smile — shit, it could drop all the panties in a three-mile radius.
“This here’s Lucille,” he says as his warm body settles flush behind my own. “She’s a good girl, aren’t you, pretty one?”
He pets Lucille’s neck, invading my space even more than he already is. His voice has changed, too. He’s kind to Lucille, speaking to her in a low, sweet voice. Guess he just saves the disdain for me. I must bring it out in him. Lucky me.
And between hearing that sweet voice saygood girland the scent of his cologne wrapping around me, my girl bits are on full alert.
Like I said, gets a girl’s hopes up.
His thighs settle snugly against my own, and his arms wrap around my torso to hold on to the reins. I have to fight every instinct in my body that’s shouting at me to lie back against his strong chest. I bet it would feel nice there. Instead, I lean forward, trying to get myself some damn space.
“Quit shiftin’, woman,” he grits out in a hushed tone.
My face flushes, and I bite back a smile.
“Guess I’ll take myself to work, then!” Wells shouts. I whip my head to look back at where he’s just laughing and shaking his head at us. This must be normal for Rhett. I have a feeling he isn’t used to not getting what he wants.
“Looks like it!” Rhett shouts back, then gives Lucille a quick nudge, and she starts off toward the main house.
“Where are you taking me?”
When he speaks, his breath feathers against my hair, and his chest vibrates against my back. “Up to Momma’s house to feed you.”
I have never had such a strong reaction to a man before. Especially one that makes me hate him so much every time I see his face or hear his stupid voice. I shouldn’t be so attracted to someone who is so very clearlynotattracted to me. Hates me, in fact. I could kick myself for falling asleep last night.