Page 54 of Burned
“And you’ll get hurt,” he adds.
“You’re just gonna have to take a leap of faith with her. Trust her when she says this is what she wants. I mean, have you seen how much she loves this ranch? Sometimes I see her just lying on her back in the middle of a pasture, takin’ in the sunshine.”
“People do that shit at the beach all the time and then leave at the end of their vacation. Doesn’t mean she wants to stay, Hayes.”
“Have you asked her?” He leans forward, trying to get in my eyeline. I refuse to look at him. “You haven’t, have you? You haven’t asked her if she would want to stay?”
“For me? Or for the job?”
“For you, you ass.” I can hear the frustration in his voice, and I don’t blame him. I know I’m an ass. I know I’m difficult. Another reason why I’m worried she won’t want to stay.
“Think it’s a bit early to be askin’ that sort of thing.”
“Is it?” he asks. “Because from where I’m standing, she’s falling for you, Rhett. I think she’d like to know if you are as well.”
“When did you become the wise one?” I smirk over at him.
“I fucked up with River.” He shrugs. “And ever since, I’ve just had a lot of time to think on it. I don’t want you to make the same mistake. You’re my brother, and I love you. I want you to be happy, man.”
“What happened with River, Hayes? You never said anything. She just stopped comin’ around.”
“We’re talking about you.”
I laugh. “Alright, then. But once my shit is sorted, I’m comin’ for you.”
“Mm,” he hums. “You can try.”
He kicks his horse into gear, and he’s off, trotting down over the hill to catch up with the rest of the ranch hands and the cattle dogs. I stay behind, me and Lucille enjoying the sunset as it dips behind the mountains. The air gets cooler, and I know I need to head back. The kids are gonna wonder where I am if I’m late coming home.
“What do you think, Lucille? Should we head on home?” I pat her neck, and she snorts in response.
And then there’s the picture in my mind of coming home not only to my kids but to Poppy as well. She wouldn’t be living in that little cabin anymore. She’d be living with me. I could walk into my house and see her playing with the kids, their laughter filling the room. I would make us all dinner, and then we would both put the kids down before falling into bed together.
I think back to that night we left a dent in the drywall, and my cock stirs. I want that woman in my bed every goddamn night. I’m tired of sneaking her in after the kids are asleep or slinking off to her house in the afternoons when they won’t miss us. I’m tired of hiding her — hiding that we’re together.
Hayes is right. I’m going to have to trust her. I need to get over my shit and take that risk with her. I sigh and direct Lucille back toward Momma’s house so I can pick up the kids and head home. I’ll talk to Poppy after the adoption event. Maybe at the birthday party Momma is throwin’ for her. I’ll need a drink or two in me to work up the courage anyway.
Because if she says no…I think she might break my damn heart.
Betty is finally comingout of her shell again. It’s been long days, and some nights, spent sitting with her, but she’s finally starting to crawl back out of her little home to eat. She’s even let me put her on a lead again so she can potty outside instead of in her room. She’s still startled easily when she hears the kids running around, but she’s getting better. Less flinching and no more hackles raised.
She lies next to me on the floor now, her head resting peacefully on my thigh. With slow, deliberate movements, I pet the top of her head and twirl her soft ears between my fingers. She snores and then opens her eyes when Wells slowly walks over to us. Sweet Betty is used to him by now and lets him sit down opposite me.
“Ready for the event this weekend?”
“The adoption or the birthday party?” I joke, knowing that whatever his mom has planned is most certainly an event. She’s been talking about it for weeks.
“The adoption.” He laughs.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. Since this is where we’re having the event, don’t you think Betty would feel better somewhere else?”
I’ve been thinking about this ever since he told me about the event. How is she supposed to relax with all the noise? The new sights, smells, and sounds are going to be terrifying for her. I’d rather her be off-site somewhere, maybe even in my little house.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. We could put her in another barn. Although, the smell of the other animals and the unfamiliarity might make her anxious.”
I sigh. I never thought about that. Even if I took her over to mine that day, there’s still the chance she could be just as uncomfortable.