Page 11 of Impulse
“If you’re sure,” Sawyer said, and he entered her, easing himself in inch by incredible inch, taking it slowly enough for her body to stretch and accommodate him. Mariah sank her teeth into his shoulder and let herself be carried away as her body adjusted and he moved inside of her.
Her thoughts stopped, and all she knew was the overwhelming sensation of Sawyer everywhere. Inside her and outside. The scent of the two of them together, the sounds of their bodies moving as one, the weight of him on top of her, the surprisingly graphic things he whispered into her ear, the touch of his fingers, on her nipples, her skin, at the apex of her legs. It was too much, too much … and yet not enough. She was climbing, reaching, making more noise than she’d normally be comfortable with but, oh, my god, how could she not? And then her whole body was tingling and burning and tensing and bursting.
Mariah arched and held her body against Sawyer’s as he continued to thrust into her, saying her name, making the sexiest sounds, sweating, stiffening with his own climax.
He held her to him as he rolled to his side, breathing hard, a grin overtaking his beautiful face, softening the hard angles and sending a shiver of the best kind through Mariah. She tucked her head into his chest and curled into him just as a crack of thunder rent into the afternoon storm, making her jump and then laugh.
“How appropriate,” Sawyer said in a husky, sated voice. “Sums up the experience pretty damn well.”
“I think that’s a good sign,” Mariah said with a questioning tone.
“Good is a mild word for it.”
“For me too.”
Their bodies were damp with a sheen of sweat, and the breeze that came in the open window was suddenly chilly. Sawyer pulled the blankets out from under them and drew the sheet over them.
“You have to tell me … what did you mean when you said ‘exactly as I thought’?” he asked.
“What? When?”
“When you kissed me. That’s what you said.”
“Ah, yes.” Mariah laughed lazily, feeling so damn content. “If I tell you, you can’t get mad.”
Sawyer grinned. “It’d take an epic something to get me mad right now.”
“Well, you see, there was sort of this test.”
“What kind of test?”
“Kissing you.”
“That was atest? Did I pass?”
“We passed.”
“What did we pass?”
She trailed her finger around on his chest, up the ridges and down the dip between his pecs.
“You were giving me mixed signals,” she said. “Before today, I mean. So I decided a kiss wouldn’t lie.”
He frowned. “About?”
“Whether there was something between us. A spark, I guess. We’ve slept in the same bed, and we’ve come close to kissing, or at least I thought we had, but then I thought maybe I’d imagined it, you know? So I decided to just go for it and find out, once and for all.”
* * *
Sawyer had been twirlinghis finger in a lock of her hair, but he stopped the movement cold.
Come close to kissing? That was all?
He’d gone out of his way to apologize to her on Wednesday…for nothing? He’d beat himself up all week, not for nothing, because the mere fact that he didn’t know what had happened or not happened warranted a large amount of self-disgust, but the one-night-stand element was high on the list of reasons to regret last weekend. Thenonexistentone-night stand.
“What’s wrong, Sawyer? You don’t agree that we passed?”
He briefly registered the alarm in Mariah’s eyes, but that was nothing compared to his panic in the next second.