Page 1 of Stalked by His Ex
Chapter One
The shrill sound ofWham’s,“Wake me up before you go go cause I’m not planning on going solo,”sounds for the third and final time, signaling that I have exactly fifteen minutes to get my ass in gear—out of bed, dressed, and to work on time.
A protest escapes as a huff, the only exasperation that signals I’d rather stay home and play in the dirt than go to work.
Heavy feet drag, as if trudging through shin-deep mud in flip-flops, while completing my morning routine. Dressed in record time, I snag my purse and apron and sprint out the door.
My house nestles on the outskirts of Silver Creek, a small town outside of Eugene, Oregon that’s surrounded by giant pine trees. The greenery and adorable wildlife that wander into my backyard are picturesque.
Sun beckons the tilt of my head, and I close my eyes, soaking in all the warmth it has on offer. The light wraps its warm rays around me like a plush blanket—soft and comforting—a moment of peace carved out specifically for me. But a moment is all there is to spare. I skirt the front of the car and climb inside, glancing longingly at the half-completed yard design, wishing more than anything I could stay and play. The idea of using my home as a showpiece for potential clients is exactly why my dad bought it for me as a graduation present two months ago. As long as I can remember, landscape design has drawn my interest. A place where families can entertain friends, hold intimate gatherings, celebrate birthdays, or graduations. To be a part of their day, even unknowingly by creating beautiful scenery for their happiest of moments, is my passion.
With a heavy sigh, the daydream is over, and the Sweet Tooth comes into view as I turn the corner onto Main Street. The shop is quaint, no bigger than a stop and go, and the dark green awning salutes me as I park my car and walk inside. I was fifteen when I started working for Mrs. Fry on a part-time basis. Over the years—and since her husband’s passing—she’s stepped behind the scenes, and I’ve taken over the day-to-day. Now, Mrs. Fry spends her time relaxing at home and watching her shows, leaving the managerial duties to me.
Moring prep goes by easily and the day moves at a steady pace, but the last hour is finally upon me, dragging the minutes into eons. I’m eager to get home and use the last bit of sunlight to finish the koi pond in my design. It’ll be the last feature to be completed, but it’s the one I’m most excited about.
The dishes are clean, sinks and equipment scrubbed, but as I wipe the tables down, the bell rings above the door. A smile tips my lips, ready to greet the newcomer, until their voices carry across the space. The deep raspy timbre causes my breath to catch in my throat, and fire fills my veins likepahoehoe, slowly consuming every functioning brain cell. I pause behind the racks of empty trays—trying to figure out what the hell’s wrong with me—before I have to face them.Am I having a panic attack?The entirety of my body electrifies, and the cause is around this corner.
After a silent pep talk about not hiding from them all evening, I fling myself around the corner like a crazy person, immediately hypnotized by a pair of full, beautiful lips that are forming flawless smiles. I’m relieved they don’t witness mymoment, but a gnawing in my gut starts when I realize they reserved those smiles for whoever they’re video calling.
Their distraction allows me time to stare at two of the most gorgeous guys I’ve ever seen. The one holding the phone keeps flicking his dark, shaggy blond hair out of his honey-gold eyes, defining his angular jaw. The blue cotton shirt he’s wearing hugs his biceps like a long-lost best friend, outlining a toned body. My gaze lowers slowly, eye-humping him as they continue their slow trek towards the counter. My appreciation is consuming, which is why I blink rapidly, hoping to give myself a moment to stabilize my pounding heart. Thank the baby Jesus that they’re not paying attention to their surroundings and focusing on their call. The second guy’s build is like his friends… or possibly brother, by their resemblance. He’s broader in the chest and intricate tattoos color his arms. His hair color is similar, but his facial features are softer, more baby-face. Once I reach his eyes, I’m thankful that I started lower, because the shocking green elicits a gasp. The sound draws his attention, and those beautiful jade eyes trap me mid-step while he smirks—probably at the drool running down my chin.
Something on the screen regains his attention, and he drags his eyes from me, allowing my perusal to continue. Time slows as they approach, each step a pivotal moment that I can feel warming my blood. Once they reach the counter, they tower over me, standing at least six feet tall.
Holy hot momma!
“Yes, we miss you, too.” Jade rolls his eyes, and the deep tenor of his voice sends chills crawling up my spine, and goosebumps playing across my skin. They both chuckle—which should be outlawed—as they hang up the phone and meet my gaze simultaneously. Gold’s eyes widen a fraction, followed by a sexy grin. I’m screwed, not just because they’re hot as hell, but because I’ve already named them, as if I’m going to take them home as strays.
I’m silently staring like a loon, forgetting that I’m supposed to provide proper customer service, while a blush crawls into my cheeks. Their twin grins widen, observing my reaction, realizing how much of a lurker I am. I may as well be saying,“Welcome to the Sweet Tooth. May I stalk you day and night?”
“Hey,” Gold directs his smolder my way.
My tongue unties, allowing words to tumble from my lips. “Sorry, hi. How can I help you?”
“You candefinitelyhelp me,” Jade replies, directing that baby-face my way.
Gold pauses, ignoring Jade, but almost seems relieved by my reaction. “What do you recommend?”
I guess we’re going to just ignore the innuendo that Jade tossed out.Great!I can get on board. “The blueberry bagel is my favorite. I don’t drink coffee, so you’re on your own there.” I’m proud that my voice stays even.
“That sounds good. Give me one of your favorites and a coke, please,” Gold replies.
“And I’ll have a Dr. Pepper,” Jade requests.
I busy myself with their request, but that does nothing for the heat coursing through me. Even with my back turned, I can sense their eyes caressing, making it difficult not to toss their stuff on the ground with my clumsiness. Somehow, I make it to the register without dropping or spilling their orders and total them up. Gold doesn’t take his eyes off me as he digs his wallet out and hands me cash.
“Have a nice day,” I say, once I hand him his change.
They glance at one another, appearing to have a silent conversation, as Gold returns his wallet to his back pocket. The exchange lasts less than thirty seconds before their eyes return to watch me intently.
Heat floods my cheeks again, no doubt turning a nice rosy pink. “Can I… help you with anything else?”Why are they staring at me? MaybeI’mnot the crazy one? They’re probably psychos with a van waiting out front! Don’t take any candy they offer!
“Actually, yes,” Jade replies. “Would you mind keeping us company until we return to work?”
I’ve convinced myself they’re psychos, but I’m still powerless when I whisper, “Sure.”
After we took a seat at my favorite booth next to the window, Gold opens his bag and Jade sips on his soda—both of their gazes fixated on me.