Page 11 of Stalked by His Ex
Chapter Three
Sleep claims me quickly after our last round, exhaustion tugging my lids closed as I absorb his warmth. A dream drifts in immediately. A picture-perfect meadow with plush grass, a giant sentient tree, reaching its branches over the water to provide shade for our blanket. Our knees are bent toward the cerulean sky while holding hands. Words are unnecessary when Jaxton leans over me, placing his warm lips against mine. His tongue taking control, sliding like silk against mine. Hands wander, caressing and groping globes of flesh before featherlight fingers cross my belly, and tuck into my panties.
Undulating under his talents, I’m seconds away from reaching my peak when my eyes pop open and familiar green curtains taunt me. Angrily slapping my phone on the nightstand, I rollover, confused. The morning fog clears after a moment, while flashes of the previous night tickle the pleasure sensors of my brain.
The sheets are cool, meaning he left a while ago, and an unexpected heaviness weighs on my chest. Silence echoes from the empty house, signaling that he’s not lingering.
His car!
Logic isn’t functioning when I rush to the living room, butterflies dancing, hoping to lay eyes on him. Unsurprisingly, his car’s ghosted the driveway, as much as he ghosted me.
One day. One date. One perfect night.
It’s not enough to justify the tightening of my gut. The warm tingling that’s prickling my eyes. The stuttering beats of my heart that’s screaming with sadness.
As I’m returning to my room to pout, a piece of paper catches my attention. Snatching it up like it’s the cure for world hunger, I pour over every word.
Hey Kitten,
I tried to wake you and let you know I had to leave early for work, but it looks like someone tired you out. Be sure you call me as soon as you wake. Until then, I’ll crave your voice.
Jaxton 234-435-6632
Jaxton’s handwriting is flawless. The urge to call now twitches my fingers as I rush back to my room to scoop up my phone and stare.Should I call right away?Heisat work.
I inhale deeply and shake off my self-doubt. Our relationship—or whatever it is—is off the charts. Our instant connection is cliché, but no less true. Ready to risk rejection, my fingers glide across the keypad, dialing his number.
“Hello.” He breathlessly answers after the third ring.
“Hi,” I return, shyness shivering my greeting.
“Did you sleep well?” The smile is thick in his sarcastic question.
“Very.” My voice practically purrs, silencing Jaxton’s retort with a grunt.
Instead, he says, “I hated leaving this morning. Had to get to work. What do you have going on today?”
“A few yard chores, then over to dad to check on him. No work, so I’ll be free. When are you done?”
“I’ll be here until late afternoon.” Disappointment clear in his tone. “Do you care if I come by, or we could go do something else if you don’t want to hang out at home?”
“Actually, let’s barbecue. I’ll spend more time in the yard and prep food. Just come over when you’re done working. If you’d like, you can come with me to check on dad and bring him leftovers for dinner.” I’m literally bouncing with anxiety.I invited him to dads. W! T! F!
“Okay, sounds good.” He agrees with no hesitation, solidifying that our connection is genuine, and reciprocated. “I’ll try to get out of here quickly.”
“No rush. I’m going to finish installing the liner for the koi pond and start with a couple of other areas. Don’t worry, I’ll prep the food before I go playing in the mud.” A giggle burst free when I think about getting dirty.
He chuckles along with me. “All right, Kitten. Go play in the dirt. I’ll see you soon.”
“All right. Have a good day at work.” Ending the call, the giddy schoolgirl in me does an internal jig. The squeal doesn’t stay so internal as I flop myself backwards, holding the cell to my chest, relishing these new exuberant emotions.
Chapter Four
Prepping lunch is fun. Even though it’s just the two of us, I’m excited to host my first little cookout. One, because I’m an excellent host, being part of why I started designing backyards. Two, because my food is kick-ass.