Page 13 of Stalked by His Ex
My breathing stutters.
“Can I redeem my raincheck?” He tilts his head, waiting for a response.
“I don’t remember offering a raincheck.” I say, cheekily, smirking right back.
He laughs, tugging our lower halves together, as he nuzzles my nose. “The agreement was with me, myself, and I before leaving. We were up so late, and you didn’t budge when my alarm sounded, that I didn’t want to wake you. But I promised myself that I’d rectify the situation as soon as possible—which is now.”
Instantly, his restraint crumbles as his lips seal to mine, repeating the greeting against the door. The world explodes with electricity, his hardness matching my softness, but he’s the stronger of us and pulls away. A desperate whimper escapes in protest—I miss his warmth immediately.
“Sorry,” he shakes his head. “All my manners go out the window when I’m near you.”
“Who needs manners?” I tempt.
He groans in frustration, clearly thinking along the same lines.Who needs a freaking lunch when I can snack on him again?“Before we get into trouble, what do you want to barbecue? Show me the spread. I’m starving.”
Tightening my metaphorical belt, so the naughty kitty downstairs doesn’t surprise us both and attack, I prop the fridge open with my hip. “Burger patties, potato salad, baked beans, and I have chips and soda too. Is that enough, or should I see what else I can whip up?”
He glances over incredulously. “Hardly. That’s plenty.”
“There’s extra for dad too, if you’re still interested in coming to drop it off.” The stack of burgers is heavy and snatched from my hand before I can move an inch.
“Here, let me do that.” Jaxton takes over, grabbing the burgers, then helping to place the rest of our food on the counter.
Once that’s set, we head out to the porch. “You can leave the door open. It’s easier to bring things back and forth.” The grill is against the house, and it takes Jaxton no time at all to have it pulled out, and ready with briquettes. He’s mesmerizing—biceps flexing—while ripping the bag open with ease.
“Do you have a lighter?”
“Yes. Here.” The words are individual pants.What the hell has he done to me? This is the perfect example of why I don’t put out on the first date. Weird shit happens.
“There, let’s give it a minute to heat.” The word triggers another spark between us.
Once we’re back inside, the sexual tension that’s building is almost unbearable. Typically, my mind is more than one track, and it’s like I can’t even think half the time when he’s around. For crying out loud, this isn’t the romance novel shoved under my pillow.
Thankfully, Roman’s ringtone fills the room, giving me something else to focus on. “Give me a sec. It’s Roman. It may be something about the shop.”
“No worries. I’ll watch the grill and put the burger on.”
I nod and rush off. As soon as I hit the accepted button, he shouts. “Oh. My. God. Avery!” He emphasizes each word, as if he’s called to say the end of the world has occurred. “Why the hell haven’t you called about your night? You took him home, huh? Marco and I have a bet. He thinks you’ll be rational and keep to your rules. Me? I’ve seen that man and know your hussy ways!Please, tell me you took him home.” Ever since they’ve come into my life, lying has been moot. He can read me like a freaking book.
“I’m sorry. Haven’t had much time.” My reply is quiet and pathetic.
“Why are you whispering? Is he there? He’s there, isn’t he!” he practically squeals.
“For crying out loud.” I slap my forehead. I most definitely shouldnothave answered his call. “Yes, he’s here. We’re barbecuing for lunch.”
“Okay… okay… now this is important. Has he been there since last night?”
“What the… you know what, no. I’m not doing this with him in the other room. You know I can’t lie to you. Stop asking me questions while he’s in the other room! I love you guys, but I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” he does a shitty and intentional job of covering his phone to mock whisper to Marco, “Our baby is growing up.” Cue the sniffles, “He might be theone.”
“Oh, dear, lord. I’m going. I’ll talk to you later.” He’s still threatening wrath upon me if I don’t immediately call him after Jaxton leaves for all the dirty details when I hang up on him.
I toss my phone with all the nervous energy floating through my veins onto the bed, while I breathe deeply and process. You’d think getting sex out of the way would settle the nerves, but it’s only caused them to swarm like bees in a hive. Fear’s coiling tight inside my belly, knowing our connection is intense, and worrying that it’s too good to be true. Past relationships have never ended well, which is exactly why I’ve stayed single. The heartbreak and disappointment aren’t worth the time.
When my mini panic attack is over and I can breathe normally again, I exit the room. Only to find that Jaxton’s made himself comfortable in the chair right next to my door, no doubt hearing my side of the conversation. When his eyes heat and focus on mine, a cocksure smile curving his very kissable lips, the fear slips away.Whatever this is, he feels it, too.
My cheeks blaze with embarrassment as I stop in the doorway next to him. He stands and closes the gap, kissing the corner of my lips, causing my heart to flutter like the wings of a bird.