Page 22 of Stalked by His Ex
I tuck my hands under my cheek, watching him dress, and slip his shoes on. When he straightens, he comes back over. “Bye, baby. I’ll be back soon. Get some rest, okay?” He swoops in and steals another kiss before heading out.
“Have a good day.” I mumble, already drifting back to sleep.
The Sandman doesn’t take long to drag me back to dreamland. The warm blankets wrap around me, while the cool air brushes my face, allowing my subconscious to run wild. My dreams were colorful, swirling thoughts, catching glimpses of Jaxton, the meadow, and a future of towheaded children with golden eyes.
All too soon, consciousness overtakes the beautiful dreams, sharpening focus on my bedroom around me. When my eyes land on the clock at my bedside, they widen. “Shit!” A moment of panic ensues before I remember it’s an off day.
I can’t remember the last time I slept past nine. The sunburn zapped more energy than expected, not to mention all the vigorous activity. My next thought is of what time Jaxton’s getting off work.
My phone is under my pillow and when I dig it out, I see there’s a voicemail. When I click to see who it is, my stomach somersaults when Jaxton’s name flashes on the screen.
Not waiting another second before hitting play, his voice relaxes any nervous energy. “Hey Avery, just calling to check on you. Work doesn’t end until eight tonight, but you better be ready for me, Kitten.” His voice drips with dark intentions, promising the same wicked experience he delivered last night. “Call when you wake up, no matter what time, okay? Talk to you soon.” My heart flutters when the message ends.
Finally, I drag myself from bed and shower. My burn has calmed, allowing me to wear clothes without trouble, but I opt for a lightweight shirt and shorts. Ones that cover the sensitive areas.
Once I’m set for the day, I contemplate when to call Jaxton. He offered to call anytime, but I worry I’ll interrupt something important. My self-control is nowhere in sight when I dial his number, nervously biting my lip. The phone rings for the third time as my eyes roll, knowing how ridiculous I’m being.
“Hey beautiful.” A giant smile stretches with his greeting. “You finally up?”
“The burn must have really taken it out of me.” The words are tantalizing, knowing full well the sun’s only partially to blame.
His deep chuckle is as smooth as liquid chocolate, bringing me as close as I’ve ever been to licking the screen of my phone. “Kitten… are you teasing?” The last word ended in a warning growl.
His growl deepens. “Sounds like you need a reminder.”
“A reminder of what?” I’m a fucking cat in heat, scissoring my legs, trying to find any form of relief.
He clucks his tongue. “I’m off at eight. I’ll bring dinner.” His sudden change of topic is confusing—until he continues. “Oh, and Kitten? You better stretch before I get to you.” This conversation has turned one-sided, as I turn to a blubbering mess, struggling to articulate a single word. “Now, I’ve got to cut this short, but I want you to relax and save all your energy for me. I’ll see you tonight.” The background noise increases, layered with several voices calling his name. He’s gone before a reply can form—the alpha talk isreallyworking for him.
There’s roughly seven hours to waste or anticipation will drive me insane. Since it’s my weekend, I finished the house chores, completing laundry, sweeping, mopping, and vacuuming. Typically, I’m a clean-as-I-go kind of person, allowing music to guide me along until their completion. Since the time’s now creeping into early evening, I headed over to dad’s, bringing him the burgers I owe him.
The drive is quick, since he lives a few blocks over. I let myself in through the front door and holler, “Dad! You here?”
“Hey, Avery. What’re you doing here?” He comes from the kitchen with a sandwich in his hand, automatically walking over and giving me a peck on the cheek, crumbs and all.
“Guilt.” I laugh, “I wanted to bring you dinner and come visit since I ditched you yesterday.” I handed him the plate of food. “Burgers and potato salad. Just the way you like them.”
He chuckles but tosses his sandwich in the trash before heading back to the kitchen. “Where did you go to get all that sun, the lake?” He removes the burger, to warm it in the microwave.
“Yeah, I hiked with a friend to my spot on the back of the lake—” my words cease, not meaning to reveal my new relationship.Holy shit! I’m in a relationship!
My dad cocks his brow in a knowing expression, my saucer-wide eyes giving away the small bout of internal panic. Before the question leaves his lips, I know what he’s going to say. “Who’s this friend? And do I know this him?”
There’s no way to express the intensity of our connection. Especially since it’s so new, but dads always understood me better than anyone. Hence, the fact he knew it was a guy, and that he was special.Honesty it is then.“His name’s Jaxton. We met the other day at work. He’s… amazing.”
“Oh, dear. Here we go.” He plops down at the dining room table to eat his now lukewarm food.
“Don’t, oh-here-we-go me, dad.” I laugh. “He’s a good guy. You’ll love him. He’s a complete gentleman—he opens doors, carried my pack on the hike, and took care of my burn.” His eyes light up mischievously—father-son stars floating in their depths.
“So, when do I get to meet him?” he asks around a mouthful of burger.
“Dad, don’t talk with your mouth full, and I don’t know… he was supposed to come with me yesterday. I’ll bring him if he’s with me the next time I come by, but—it’s new, so don’t get all ‘investigator’on me.”
His eyebrow arches, “Since when are you shy about me meeting a guy?”
“Well… he’s… I don’t know, he’s different.” A blush creeps over my already reddened skin, turning me back into an awkward pubescent girl.