Page 28 of Stalked by His Ex
He doesn’t acknowledge my protest and opens his passenger door expectantly. I cross my arms in front of my chest. “I’m not getting in this car until you tell me where we’re going.”
He smiles at my stubbornness and swoops in to peck my lips quickly, growling his next words. “I love it when you get sassy, Kitten. But now is not the time. We’re going to the set, so I can prove myself to you. I’m going to confront Sarah and Jamie. They want to start shit; I’m going to finish it. Now, please, get in the car.” My lips flatten into a thin line, trying to avoid smiling, as I duck into the car. He closes it softly behind me, rounding the car to slide into the driver’s seat, and seconds later we’re speeding into town.
There are tents and trailers everywhere, but Jaxton maneuvers easily, and pulls next to a trailer at the end of the lot. Butterflies bombard my stomach, not enjoying confrontation in the least.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” I admit, fingers twisting together in my lap.
He reaches over to rest his hand on my fidgeting, calming my nerves instantly. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll do all the talking. I just want you here, so you positively know—without a doubt—how much I care about you.” He leans over and brushes his lips against mine, his warm breath tickling the sensitive skin.
I’m a goner, melting into him, nodding.
He retreats too soon, but touches our foreheads together, silently lending me strength. “I’m not willing to lose you over this—over her. After we’re done here, you can ask me anything you want. Nothings off limits.” The sincerity in his golden depths shines, promising the world. If only I opened my hands to take it. “Say, okay, Kitten.”
“Okay.” I whisper, unsure, but willing to trust him.
As if the one word is the gunshot to a race, we’re out of the car, and he’s pounding against the door loudly, yelling their names. “Come outside!” he demands.
The door swings open almost immediately. Both of the women stand in the doorway, shock plastered to their faces. Obviously, this is not what they expected when they concocted their plan.
“What the hell do you two think you’re doing?” Both women remain silent, not admitting to anything, only glancing back and forth between one another. Tired of their mute act, he yells “Answer my question! Why would you send Jamie to tell her you’re still my girlfriend? That you and I are still together and that I’m cheating on you. Get over it already, Sarah! Cheating is your thing, not mine. Remember?” Jaxton seethes.
“What do you mean?” Sarah asked innocently.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m sure you’re the one who sent Jamie. And cheating? You remember Grant, don’t you?” He pauses a moment for effect. “Let’s make a few things clear right now.” His voice deepens with anger but turns my insides liquid. “I do not love you, nor will I ever. I don’t even like being around you. Leave Avery alone. If I find out you’re bothering her again, I’ll stop working on this movie with you. I’ll demand that they replace one of us, and who do you think they’ll choose?” He smirks at her shock, confident that he’ll be the one left standing. The hand that’s enveloping mine is trembling.
Sarah closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “Okay, I’m sorry.” When she reopens them, tears are swimming in their depths, as she pleads silently for Jaxton to understand. “It’s really hard working with you. It brings up the feelings I still have for you. I thought that after what happened the other week, we’d get back together.”
He shakes his head. “I already told you that was a mistake. You shouldn’t mix past relationships with quick hookups.”
“Jaxton, look at her!” Sarah flicks her hand in my direction. “She’s hardly your type. She—”
Jaxton cuts her tirade short. “She’s exactly my type, more than you ever were! Love has a new meaning, a new depth. What her and I have is stronger in days than what we had in years.” He swipes a hand through his hair.Did he just broadcast that he loved me?He’d said it earlier, but declaring it to the world is different. He curses under his breath and continues, “This isn’t going to work. I quit. I’ll announce it tomorrow. If someone asks before then, you can tell them how selfish you are and that I couldn’t stand being near you. Let alone kiss you during a scene.” He turns, caging me against his hard body, walking me toward the car, but pauses. “Oh, and another thing…”
I turn back to see what he’s about to say when he cups my jaw, pulling my lips to his. Electricity zaps between us, lighting up my entire body, as he kisses with feverish intent. My hands move of their own accord, tightening in his shirt, securing him closer. Breathing is not an option. In the back of my mind, I remember his ex is watching, but I can’t get myself to step away or care.
Jaxton’s the one to retreat, his lips feathering along my jaw, a relieved breath shuttering freely as he brings our foreheads together. He’s eliminated any doubt and now the reality of the situation is catching up.Jaxton is a movie star—an actual big screen movie star. He just professed hislovefor me. Tried to quit his million-dollar jobfor me. What the fuck is happening? This shit doesn’t happen in real life.My breathing increases, letting a manic laugh slip while I fight off a panic attack.
“Kitten, you okay? What’re you giggling about?” Concern dips his brows as he waits for a response.
When my gaze trails over my shoulder to the now closed trailer door, another laugh threatens, but I smother it against his chest. “I wonder how long she watched before she got mad enough to go inside.”
“I don’t really care, as long as she gets the point.” He runs his finger along my cheek. “Let’s go back to the house.” His fingers slip back into mine, guiding me to the car.
“Are you really going to quit? I don’t want you to do anything like that because of me.” I tell him, worry thick in my voice.
His smile stretches as he drives out of the parking lot. “I’m not quitting. They’ll probably fire her to keep me when they find out what happened. I’m a hot commodity, baby. You don’t know that because you don’t watch a lot of TV or movies, but if you did, you’d know that they’d keep me over her.”
“Someone’s full of himself.” I mutter while looking out the window, sarcasm lacing the taunt.
“Keep it up, Kitten, and one of us will beveryfull.” He grunts, his grip tightening on the wheel for a moment, until one of his hands drops to readjust himself.
“Promises. Promises.” I tempt again, and I don’t miss the possessive side eye he’s giving me now. “Before any hanky-panky, we need to clear a few things up.” I warn, since he resembles a cougar about to pounce, waiting for the perfect moment to attack.
Once we’re home and grabbing drinks in the kitchen, Jaxton blurts, “I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you sooner. When I first met you, I thought you knew who I was because of the way you stared. But after talking to you, I realized you had no idea, and I didn’t want to ruin anything before it started. I loved you didn’t know. I could be myself and not worry about acting for once. Usually, the girls I meet only see the romantic parts I perform or are looking for a status boost. They’re not interested in the real me. What we have is completely unexpected and irrevocably powerful. I don’t think… no, I know I can’t be without you. I…” He shakes his head, eyes finding mine again. His unspoken words surround me with their warmth. My heart is pounding, knowing this enticement is ridiculous but wanting to be consumed, anyway.
I stumble with the weight of the evening, but Jaxton steps in, slipping his arm around my waist to steady me.
“Are you okay?” His face falls with alarm.