Page 38 of Stalked by His Ex
Nikki sighs, rolling her eyes, but a giant smile spreads. Her answer is to climb over the front seat and onto Cameron’s lap just as we roll next to the entrance. He opens the door, and she jumps out, like they’ve done this a million times. She lands on her feet like a freaking ninja and is inside just as the cluster of fans notice her. The screaming increases, but when the crowd turns to see the guys, it turns to a crescendo. They swarm the car, cupping the windows, trying to see into the back seat.
“Holy shit.” I breathe. “They’re not going to tip the car over, are they?” I mutter, half serious, since the car’s swaying lightly from their impact.
“Everything’s fine, Kitten. Promise.” Jaxton tucks me closer to his body, using the front seats to block us from sight.
After fifteen of the longest minutes of my life, Nikki and Liam slip inside easily. Jaxton opens our door for Liam, and Cameron lets Nikki dive back onto his lap, just as Jacob’s pealing out of the parking lot.
“You have that down to a science!” I laugh, as Liam crawls haphazardly across my lap, and plops in the seat next to me.
“You miss me?” His devilish grin dents dimples into his cheeks.
“Avery, where do you live?” Jacob asks, eyeing me in the rear-view mirror.
The directions are quick and simple, since there’re only a couple of turns. Jacob finally turns down the driveway, being sure to have taken a couple of roundabout ways to ensure no one is following us.
“Beautiful house!” Nikki exclaims. “Jaxton said you were into yard design. You’ve got a nice setup for it. You’ll have to show me what you’ve done so far.”
“Sure! Next time we’re here for more than a few minutes, I’ll show you around.” I agree easily.
Once we’re inside, I direct everyone to open rooms, and then slip into my own to change. When I’m finished, I open the door and catch Jacob by surprise. He jumps, startled, but then his gaze travels my bikini-clad body slowly with appreciation. “Wow… nice suit, Avery.”
Jaxton walks down the hall, smacking him on the back of the head without breaking his stride. “Eyeballs in your head, J, and off my girl.” He passes Jacob—who’s standing in the doorway—and shoulder checks him out of the way. Not thinking twice when slamming the door in his face and prowling toward me like a hungry lion. The back of my knees hit my bed before realizing I’d backed away from his approach, knocking my legs out from under me. He’s already climbing up the bed and caging me in with his muscular arms and leaning down to feather his lips across mine.
“I’ve thought about nothing else but kissing these lips all day. You’re going to drive me mad, Kitten.” His hand glides into my hair, fisting it, and nipping my neck. A pathetic whimper escapes as his tongue snakes out to caress the inflicted area. He growls quietly and tightens his arms.
Without a knock, the bedroom door flies open, Jacob and Cameron standing in the doorway. “That’s enough of that. We can hear you in the living room. Let’s go swimming. You two can make out when we get there.” Cameron smiles cheekily when he’s done lecturing.
“Yeah, let Cameron see how hot she is in her suit.” Jacob taunts.
Jaxton’s eyes darken, a thunderous growl erupting from his chest. “Now. Now.” I grip Jaxton’s hair and pull his lips back to mine. “Save your growliness until we get back home tonight.” An invitation to something sweeter.
“I’m holding you to that.” The gleam in his golden irises holds dirty promises. He glances down at all of my bits to be sure they’re still covered before retreating to stand. “Get a covering and your sunscreen, baby. We don’t need a repeat of last time.” His chuckle is teasing.
“On it! I’ll also grab us towels.” Collecting the items promised, we all gather in the living room, and then go out the front door to pile back into the car.
The drive doesn’t take long. There’s rarely any traffic at the back end of the lake. Most people head to the recreational portion at the front. The hike in is always short and sweet, but when we finally breach the clearing, I hold my arms out wide.
“Welcome to my paradise.” Everyone stopped at the rim of the clearing, murmuring their comments about the beautiful scenery.
“This is amazing, Avery! Can we get in?” Nikki begs, like a spoiled child.
Laughing, I nod. “It’s not my lake. Have at it.”
That’s all the permission the guys need, and all three of them take off running while Nikki and I walk. Once we reached the water’s edge, the guys were already splashing all over the place. Nikki and I laid out the towels, so they’ll be ready for when we return.
Jaxton charges from the water when he sees me removing my swim cover. “Baby, let me help you with the sunscreen.”
His offer warms my heart and turns me on, that all too familiar tingling pulsing through my nerves. “Please.” Is all I offer, trying to avoid scissoring my legs to relieve the pressure. It only gets worse when his hands take over, creating wet trails as he spreads the coconut liquid across my skin.
While we’re busy, Cameron climbs the tree next to the water, walking out its mammoth sized limbs, and jumps into the water. The branch stretches across the deepest part of the swimming hole, coaxing Jaxton to jump right behind Jacob once he’s finished lathering my protective barrier. Their boyish behavior gives me the chance to get in the water and not get dunked. Nikki agrees, because she hustles next to me.
The guys are back, Cameron grabbing Nikki by the waist and upper thigh to hoist her into the air and sending her hurtling towards the lake. I try to make a hasty escape, but the water’s slowing my progress. Jacob has me in his clutches in no time, picking me up and tossing me into the air.
An entirely too girly of a scream leaves my lips before I’m breaking below the waters surfaced. Laughter bursts from my lungs as I wipe water off of my face. As they rough-house, I flop to my back, and swim further out. When I glance back, Jacob is missing, causing the hairs on my arm to stand. Seconds later, my suspicions are confirmed when there’s a tug on my right ankle. He yanks me under the water and pulls me back up, surfacing next to me, laughing. I splash his face and then evade, holding my breath under water, and swim away. Little does he know—I can hold my breath for close to two minutes. He’ll be distracted, and that’s when I’ll pounce.
I’m under the water for a few when a frantic commotion distracts me—legs and arms wildly moving through the water.What the hell’s everyone doing?Probably trying to throw off my game.I swim closer and surface, yelling, “Boo!” Everyone screams, causing me to laugh harder, until I notice their worried expressions. “What? What’s wrong?” I glance around but see nothing of concern.
Jaxton sloshes closer, his face contorted like I’ve never seen. “What’s wrong? Are you kidding me! What were you doing?” I still don’t know what’s going on, but my stomach sinks and my eyes sting from his tone.