Page 41 of Stalked by His Ex
“Hey, dad. Everything okay?” Jaxton sits on the couch and pulls me down onto his lap, grunting when I wiggle.
My dad’s voice rings through the room when I hit the speaker button. “Everything’s fine, sweetheart. Hadn’t heard from you today, so wanted to check in, see if you wanted to swing by for a late visit.” His invitation tugs at my heartstrings.
Glancing at Jaxton before answering, he nods, agreeing to come over. “Actually, sure. That sounds nice. Jaxton’s coming over with me, so you’ll get to meet finally him.”
“Good. Good. While you’re at it, why don’t you bring me one of your homemade frozen dinners?”Aww, there’s the reason he’s calling.
“Sure, dad.” I laugh, “Next time just say you got home too late and don’t want to cook.”
His belly laugh booms over the line. “You know me too well, darling. Would it help if I say your cooking is much better than mine and that I enjoy your company too much to eat alone?”
“You’re a smooth talker, old man. Enough with the flattery—we’ll be over shortly. Meatloaf or chicken?”
“It’s a meatloaf type of night, sweetheart. And thank you. See you soon.” He ends the call quickly while I’m still amused.
“Sorry. Looks like we’re on a quick road trip.”
“No worries. It’s about time I met your dad. He’s an important part of your life.” Jaxton kisses my head and sets me on my feet, patting my rear, so I head toward the kitchen. “Grab your dad’s dinner and I’ll drive us over there.”
The frozen dinner cools my legs as Jaxton pulls down my dad’s driveway, stopping near the front door. We walk in without knocking and announce ourselves by calling out to him.
“Dad!” I uncover the frozen dinner and place it in the preheating oven, just as dad rounds the corner from the hallway.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He immediately embraces me and kisses my forehead.
“Hey, dad. I put your dinner in the oven.”
“My girl’s too good to me. Thank you. Now, where are our manners?” He turns to Jaxton.
“Oh, sorry. Dad, this is Jaxton.”
“Mr. Dawson. It’s nice to meet you. Avery speaks highly of you.” He reaches out to shake my dad’s hand.
“Son. Avery’s been spending a lot of time with you. Are you treating my girl good?” Dad’s lecture begins two sentences in.
“No. It’s perfectly fine.” Jaxton reassures me that my dad’s bullheadedness isn’t affecting him. “Your daughter’s the Queen to my Kingdom, sir. She’ll be spoiled the rest of her life.” His statement is bold and informative, nonchalantly saying he’ll be in my life forever.
A mic drop my dad easily picks up on but surprises me when he laughs, and slaps Jaxton on the back. “It’s about damn time someone recognized her worth. I don’t want to hear any complaints from her now, you hear me?”
Jaxton’s cocksure smile points in my direction. “There’ll be no complaints, sir.”
“Good. Now tell me what you do for a living and how you plan to take care of her.”
“Oh. My. God. Dad! What the fuck! Since when do you have twenty questions?”
“He’s the first guy you’ve brought home. You don’t think I understand the significance of that?”
I grunt, because he’s right. I’ve spoken about the guys I’ve been interested in or dated, but introduced no one. “Fine.” I huff and perch on a barstool, letting them get their bro time out of the way.
“I’m an actor.” Jaxton picks up as if I hadn’t interrupted. “I have millions in savings.” He glances at me when I choke on my spit.Who the fuck admits they have millions in savings out loud, like it’s no big deal! Oh, my boyfriend, the movie star! That’s who!“Stop freaking out.” He warns, but his voice dips low—the possession thick in the command. “Even if I never worked another day in my life, we’ll be extremely comfortable.”
Dad grunts his approval, hearing Jaxton’s response. “That’s good.” Dad turns to me. “He treating you right, sweetheart?” The question’s between him and me, as if Jaxton weren’t here.
Stars probably twinkle in my eyes when I glance over at the man in question, smiling like a lunatic. “Yeah, dad. He’s a keeper.”
He studies me for a moment before slapping the table loudly, chuckling, and then standing. “Well, son. Welcome to the family.”