Page 43 of Stalked by His Ex
A face I thought I’d never see again steps from the shadows, wearing a smirk born of the devil, and eyes ablaze like the fires of Hell.
“Sarah, what’re you doing here?” My voice is harsh, letting her know this is unacceptable.
She shakes her head, disappointed.
I glance inside the living room, mapping a route of escape. The distraction is a huge mistake, because a second later, she’s on my back like a freaking spider monkey. A cold wet cloth silences the protests I’m screaming, as she uses a death grip to fuse the rag to my face while I uselessly flail around, trying to dislodge her. The harder I struggle, the more my actions blur and slow, growing increasingly sluggish. Things spin, my body growing weaker by the second, and slumping to my knees as darkness rims my vision. My body goes limp, slumping to the ground, face slapping off the concrete. The last thing I hear is her humming.Roses are red, violets are blue…
Chapter Nine
The entire ride home, a constantneedto return to Avery, pounds through my soul, beating out the rhythm of my heart.Go. Back. Go. Back. Go.Back.By the time I reach the hotel, there’s no one swarming the lot, so it’s easy to park and head directly inside.
The doors to our suite open into a large living room, where I find Liam relaxing across a lounge chair, a beer in one hand, and the remote in the other. His green eyes—that are so much like our mothers—glance over his shoulder when the door closes behind me, lighting with excitement.
“Hey!” He raises his beer in greeting. “How’d your night go?” It’s times like now that Liam looks more like my twin than Lennox’s. Our family’s evenly split between our parents. Half of us with light hair and green eyes like Ma, and the other half with Dad’s ebon hair and gold eyes, with all blends in-between. Liam has both Ma’s green eyes and golden hair, while Kam has Dad’s midnight hair and gold eyes. The rest of us are mutts, mix-matching.
“Good. We brought her dad dinner and visited with him for a while.”
Liam’s eyebrows shot up. “Damn, bro. Youarefucking whipped. Meeting the dad already is big. You sure you know what you’re doing? Rapid speed is not really your style.”
Narrowing my eyes, I square up. “You’ve met her. What would you do?” A huff of humor slips free.
Liam’s eyes sparkle with mischief. “You’re lucky you made a move first. She’s hot as fu—”
I launch myself over the couch, cutting his words short, elbowing him in the gut. “Shut you’re fucking mouth. That’s going to be your sister one day.”
He laughs hysterically when he shoves me off onto the floor. “Love fucking with you, bro. She’s awesome, and the guys will love her too. Now get back up here so we can call them. We waited until late as shit for you. Lennox is already bitching.”
Smirking, I flop back onto the couch next to Liam as he dials. “It’s about time.” Only Lennox can get Liam to smile the way he is when giving his twin shit.
“Wait until you meet, Avery. You’ll understand why Jax needs hisme time.” His tone pitches, mocking a girl’s voice.
Rolling my eyes, I lean closer. “Where’s Kam and Cash?”
“They tired of waiting on your ass is where.” Lennox snarks.
A giant hand palms Lennox’s face and shoves, causing him to bobble his phone, and to curse at our older brothers as they plop on either side of him. “Shut the fuck up, Lennox. Liam, you need to come back. He’s crying himself to sleep without you.” Cash slings his arms over Lennox’s shoulders, his wet hair appearing darker, a stark contrast to his green eyes that replicate the twins.
“Don’t be dramatic.” Lennox feigns innocence—flicking his midnight hair from emerald eyes—but we all know the twins don’t like to be apart.
Kam’s wicked smile dimples his cheeks, his ebon hair obscuring his golden eyes, appearing more boyish than before. “He’s right. You’ve been moody as fuck lately. Anything you need to tell us?”
Lennox ignores the question and brings the conversation back to us. “Tell us about your girl, Jax. Haven’t heard from you much. Liam says she’s fine as fuck.” The twins have always had a yin and yang, good and evil, type bond. Especially since Lennox sports black hair, while Liam’s is fair like mine. Otherwise, they’re exact replicas.
My glare snaps to Liam—he laughs but holds his free hand up. “Did not say that. He’s trying to ruffle your feathers.” He slowly looks back to the phone, locking on Len, ensuring I’m placated for the moment. “Even if it’s true.”
Laughter sounds on both sides of the phone. “Ha. Ha. Seriously, she’s amazing. I’ve asked her to move home with me when we’re done here.”
Liam’s gaze snaps to mine. “You never mentioned that. We all live together. You didn’t think to bring it up?”
“Well… once she gives me an answer, I’d have talked to you all, but if she moved down, there’s a chance she’d want us to get our own place.” Their quiet surrounds our conversation, prompting me to continue. “How would that even work? Would you want us both to live there?”
We all glanced at Kam. Since we were little, he’s been the leader of our little clan. He shrugs nonchalant, “She’s your girl, and if you’re that serious about her, and Liam has nothing but good things to say, I don’t see why not.”
“Thank, bro.” An unknown weight lifts. “It’s a longshot, anyway. She’s got her entire life and family here. We’re taking it one day at a time.”