Page 48 of Stalked by His Ex
“Not good.” His voice is sullen, anguish thick in those two words. “I miss her. They still have no leads. No matter how much money I sink in or media attention I throw at it, no one’s seen her.” The last sentence cracks, revealing the mental state my disappearance has caused.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” She purrs. The tone entices visions of her petting him, attempting to perch on his lap.
“You stopping by means a lot, especially after everything that went down,” Jaxton huffs without humor.
“You know I’ll always be here. It’s why we’re repeatedly drawn back together.”
Muffled noises turn to moans just before Sarah clicks the stop button and beams in my direction. “In case it wasn’t clear, that’s when he leaned over and kissed me.” My initial instinct is to reject the idea immediately, but the little devil on my shoulder whispers,would he?They’ve been together a long time—have a history—but he declared his intentions.
A seed of doubt has been planted, but I refuse to let it take root. “Jaxton loves me. I don’t know what that was, but not what you’re portraying.”
Her smile grows until wicked laughter sticks another sliver of doubt under my skin. “Believe whatever you’d like, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s coming around again. He always runs back to me when things are difficult.”
My lips pose to speak but then flounders open and close like a fish on dry land.
“Soo…” She drags out the word as she rises from the chair. “If you behave tonight, I’ll bring you a surprise tomorrow.” She acts like the best hostess known to man, and all I can do is nod, agreeing.
My heart pounds as a giant lump of sorrow grows and sits heavily in my gut. As much as I’m trying to be my own champion, convincing myself Jaxton wouldn’t fall for her bullshit is harder than expected.I.Don’t. Know.We connected on a soul deep level, but he was with Sarah for years. Why else would they have been engaged? He loved her at one point enough to want to spend the rest of his life with her. We’ve only known each other for a fraction of the time. Do I really stand a chance? Maybe if I tell her she’s won and can have him, she’ll let me go.
My internal ramblings gave her time to leave. A manic giggle echoing the last of her presence while she locks the door and ascends the steps.
The realization comes that she wouldn’t accept my offer. She’s snatched me without a trace, securing me in some random basement, with no means of escape. I’ve seen her face, know her plan, and am awaiting an execution. She’s already won.
The panic threatens to overtake as my entire body courses with fear, rage, and resistance. Emotion clogs my throat and mists my eyes, but I promised myself only thatonemoment of weakness, and that moment has passed. No matter the outcome, I’m going to fight until the end.
The chain clinks when I scissor my legs across the bed as drowsiness washes away the anger. The cold air in the room seems to have lessened, almost confirming the use of an AC, even though there’s no ventilation system to be seen.
The aroma from the food is as enticing as the blankets. She’s good at mental warfare—much better than I originally gave her credit. By accepting the blankets and food, I’ll be complying with my situation, letting herknowshe’s won. Pride flows through my independent body and submission isn’t part of my DNA, but instinct is driving me to agree. My predicament has turned into a hare and tortoise fable, and I plan on winning the long race.
With determination thrumming through my veins, I drag my weakened body closer to the giant plate of food left on the desk. Sarah’s smart and educated, even if her cheese has slid off her cracker, she’s calculated. That’s what the food, water, blanket, and these stupid-ass surprises she’s so fond of are—manipulation.
Two can play that game.
Every morsel on the plate goes into my mouth. She made such a point to mention a strict diet and my weight several times, so who knew when she’d feed me again.
As I devour the last bite, exhaustion creeps into my bones. The cold has become a constant companion, even though most nights are a blur because of the drugs. It’s better that I don’t remember. Dwelling on the past is no way to move into the future.
The newly laid sheets entice me to snuggle down into their warmth as an idea forms. The only way I’m getting out of here is if Sarah lets me out or makes a mistake, and the only way to create one of those opportunities is to gain her trust. She’s more likely to let her guard down if I’m compliant and understanding. She’s smart, but also batshit, so there’s some leeway. It’ll take time, but she’s craving attention.
Decision confirmed.
The likelihood that the chain will be off, the room unlocked or key available, happening simultaneously is a one in a million chance. Becoming friends of sorts is the best chance I’ve got, and it’s going to take divine intervention not to knock her on her ass before that happens.
“Avery. Avery.” An annoying voice calls.
“Hmm…” I groan, wondering when the hell I fell asleep last night.
“I brought you something.” Sarah’s voice registers and with it remembrance of my circumstances.
My eyes feather open, while my reactions are sluggish. “What?”
Her smile stretches like that fucked up cat on Alice in Wonderland. “Sorry, the grogginess is my fault. I installed a TV for you this morning and had to drug your food last night. I didn’t expect you to eat it all.” She clucks her tongue in disappointment at my lack of manners. “But it was much too big a project to keep you up for.” She glances over her shoulder and my eyes follow.
Install she did. A TV is on the wall, but it’s surrounded by a thick case with what looks like plexiglass to cover the screen, leaving no way to access the device.
“Now you can watch the news conferences, your dad, Jaxton, and anyone else who wants to beg for your return.” She cackles.
Stay calm. Stay. Calm.