Page 59 of Stalked by His Ex
“You’ve been through quite an ordeal, but you’re healthy. We’ve bandaged your leg and started you on antibiotics to prevent infection. Where will you be staying?”
He glances up from his papers, waiting for a response. “Oh, um, my house.”
“Will you be alone?”
I opened my mouth to reply, but Jaxton beat me to it. “No. I’m staying with her.” Heart beating out of my chest, I’m surprised by his declaration. This is all moving so quickly.
“Good. I’ll give you something for pain, plus your antibiotic, but if you need anything else, let us know.”
“Okay,” I agree easily. “Do I get to go home tonight?” I assumed they would keep me overnight for monitoring.
“You do. We’ve run a bunch of tests, checked on the baby, and found that you’re both in great health. No need to keep you here—away from home—longer than necessary.”
A sigh of relief escapes. “That sounds amazing.”
“I thought so, but before you go, the police want to speak with you.” The doctor smiles softly, patting my arm before walking out the door.
As soon as he exits, two detectives walk in. “Avery Dawson?” One of them asks, wanting to confirm my identity.
“Hi, yes.”
“I’m detective Jensen, and this is detective Swanson. We’d like to ask you a few questions, if that’s all right?”
“Sure, but I’ve already given my statement.” Unsure if they spoke with the previous officer.
“We’re not here to get your statement, Avery. We’re here to talk to you about Sarah Hearst.”
Was that her last name? I never cared enough to ask. “What about her?” It’s then I realized I’ve not inquired about her—if she’s dead or alive.
“She—” The detective pauses, glancing quickly to his partner, nervous about his information. “Once you were taken to the hospital, police searched her house, but she wasn’t there. She escaped before they could detain her.”
Instantly, I freeze. “What?” My heart’s beating so hard that it muffles my reply, afraid that she’ll come after me or the people I love. My dad, Jaxton, even his brothers are at risk. “What do you mean, she wasn’t there? I knocked her out cold!” Nausea rolls through my stomach, knowing she’s out there.
“How did you allow her to escape?” Jaxton growls angrily, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“We’ve got an APB on her now, conducting a perimeter search of the hospital to ensure she’s not here, and an officer is sitting outside your house. They’ll remain there until we find her.” The detective assures, but the placation does nothing. They’ve already let her slip through their fingers once before. She can do it again.
“What about my dad?” I ask, concerned.
“We have someone there, too. Everyone’s covered.” Detective Swanson adds to his partner’s statement.
Jaxton’s entire body is tense, ready to strike at any potential harm. “No. Avery’s going to stay with me and my brothers. We have private security. Nobody gets in without our permission. You’re welcome to keep a man there if needed.” He turns to me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. “We’ll get your dad a room on our floor, too.”
I nod, loving the idea of all of us being in the same place.
The detective agrees. “Sounds good. We’ll have coverage at both your houses to see if we get lucky.”
While my thoughts drift, Jaxton finishes speaking with the detectives, and soon after, he walks them out. He returns to my side a moment later, petting my hair.
“Do you think they’ll catch her?” I ask, glancing up at him, nerves racking my frame. I’m out and I never want to go back, and just knowing she’s out there somewhere doesn’t sit well.
“She’ll never hurt you again.” He assures, pressing the side of his cheek on top of my head.
I lean closer, soaking in his warmth. “I’m scared.” I whisper the confession into the world, hoping it doesn’t backfire, and jinx me.
The doctor comes back with my discharge papers and medications, my dad, and Jaxton’s brothers trailing close behind.
“All right, we’ve got two prescriptions. One for pain and the other is an antibiotic.” He speaks more to Jaxton than me. “She needs to take the antibiotic twice a day, one in the morning, and the other in the evening. The pain pills are as needed. Both are safe for the baby. Any questions?”