Page 6 of Stalked by His Ex
He laughs at the dramatics. “Good to know… for next time.”
Next time? What does that mean?
“Do you read or watch movies?” Jaxton studies me curiously.
“Love to read and am an outdoorsy person. A perfect day would consist of hiking to a secluded place and reading for the day. Sometimes dad and I watch movies, but they’re usually 80s and 90s movies. The ones he loves.” I laugh, thinking about our movie marathons.
“What about you? What do you and your brother do?” His presence is relaxing, like a night curled up in your favorite pj’s, and blanket—home. The last thought causes a sudden pause. Typically, my social anxiety gets the best of me, and nerves overtake the functioning parts of my brain. With him, it’s natural.
“We live in San Diego with our other brothers, like I mentioned. Our parents passed away a couple of years ago and left our family home in Louisiana to us, so we use it as a getaway and on holidays. Watching TV isn’t our thing either—we prefer the outdoors. The last time we hiked was last year, during one of our retreats. You’ll have to come with us the next time we go.” He continues without pause, not allowing a reaction to the invite. “Liam’s got a thing for reading smutty romance books, which you should definitely give him shit for when you see him next.”
I liked he was including me in future plans, but I have to defend his brother’s honor. “Hey! There’s nothing wrong with a smutty book here and there. I’ll compare notes with Liam to see which ones he’d recommend.”
His smile shines as bright as his eyes when he rolls them in jest, “What’ve I done?” he overly dramatizes. “I better not find you two holed up somewhere reading obscenities to one another.”
A hearty laugh sounds, envisioning Liam and I huddling under a blanket with our reading devices, sharing notes back and forth about scenes. “Thatdoessound rather nice.” I admit, tapping the tip of my finger against my lips in false ponder.
A loud vibration erupts, startling me, until I realize it’s Jaxton growling.Actually, fucking growling.“Fair warning,” he begins, voice as dark as sin. “I don’t share.” The bright golden hue of his eyes deepens in warning. A sign that I should run for the hills… but I’m not. Instead, I’m squirming in my seat, rubbing my legs together, trying to ease the growing ache between my thighs. Ten minutes in, and I’m already contemplating breaking the no-sex-on-date-one rule.It’s a stupid fucking rule, anyway!
“That’s good. Neither do I.” The voice that emits is foreign, sexy, unlike any tone I’ve produced before.
Jaxton slides across the rounded booth until our hips touch, eliciting a shiver with the contact, beading nipples and all. His warm breath fans across my neck when he whispers his next words against my sensitive skin. “I also love burgers, so these better beat the standard.” He pulls away slightly as our server leaves our plates on the table.
A moment passes before my brain comes back online, and we dig in, customizing the burgers to our liking.
Jaxton’s gruff voice sounds offended when he points to the onion and tomato discarded haphazardly on my plate. “You don’t like them?”
“No, not a fan. The slimy texture and the nasty crunch of the onion… Ugh! Grosses me out.” The thought sends an entirely new shudder racking my body.
Jaxton laughs, pulling the pickles off his burger, prompting my offended gasp. “What?” He looks up quickly, glancing around the restaurant, an expectant expression covering his face.
“I love pickles. That’s the best part of the burger.” I’m appalled that he’s taking them off.
“Do you want them?” he offers, the green wet circle flipping back and forth, as he taunts me with their salty goodness.
“That’s a definite yes,” I say, feeling silly. But who gives a shit—I love pickles!
“Do you mind if I take the tomato and onion off your hands?”
Laughing, I offer them up. “No, go right ahead.”
“We should eat together more often, since we complement each other’s burgers so well.”
A satisfied moan leaves my lips, causing Jaxton to pause mid-bite, and watch me intently, his eyes reflecting hunger—and not for the burger in his hand.
He shakes himself out of his stupor. “You’re right. These burgers are good.”
“Mmhmm,” mumbling is the only reply I can give with a full mouth.
We eat the rest of our meal, speaking casually about things we do for fun. I told him about my secret meadow—a place I’ve visited for years. Even though I’ve never taken a soul there before, I invited him without pause. I don’t know why I feel so compelled to share my secrets, but when he smiles, I shiver. He’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met.
“How long are you two in town? We’re making all these plans, but you said you’re here temporarily for work, right?” The idea of them leaving sends a sadness rippling through me.
His brows pinch, “We’ll be in town for a few months, with breaks here and there. I’d like to stay around as long as possible.” He says the last sentence while staring intently, ensuring I understand that it’s to pursue our connection.
Warmth floods my neck and cheeks. His bold declaration is refreshing, relaying that this insane attraction isn’t one sided—he feels it, too. That we met this morning seems ridiculous. It’s as if we’ve known each other for years.
“I’m really enjoying the time we’re spending together, Avery,” Jaxton pauses. “It’s easy with you. We don’t have to pretend—” Jaxton suddenly stops, cutting off the rest of his sentence.