Page 67 of Stalked by His Ex
Jaxton sighs, “Kitten—”
“No. Don’t Kitten me. You’re keeping information from me. What don’t I know?”
Liam and Lennox instinctively caress my arms, soothing the aching worry in my muscles, while their brother pleads his case. “Kitten, we’re not keeping you in the dark purposely.” He cups my cheek. “I’ve remained in contact with the detectives, who’re practically useless at locating people. There’re no leads on your case, meaning Sarah’s still out there. I want you to remain as unaffected as possible and concentrate on you and the baby. It’s not that we’re keeping you in the dark—there’s just no new information. If there’s an update, you’ll be the first person I come to. Understand?”
My eyes are as wide as a deer caught in headlights. There’re times when what Sarah did to me isn’t as traumatizing and I’m able to function normally, but then there’re times like now, when reality hits home.
“See—this is exactly what I’m talking about.” Jaxton steps between my splayed legs, touching his forehead to mine, and kissing my nose and lips softly, calmly. “You’re here with me, Kitten. Surrounded by my brothers. You and the baby are perfectly safe.” He nuzzles into my neck, while the rest of them surround us, touching us, lending their unspoken strength. “Now… what I want you to do is turn around and finish this gourmet barbeque that Kam’s thrown together for us. Then get ready for your dads, hmm?”
Emotion clogs the throat, tightening my vocal cords, and silencing my words, prompting a nod for confirmation.
“Good, girl.” He murmurs for my ears only, eliciting a shiver of anticipation. The deep chuckle he emanates vibrates his lip against the tender flesh below my ear. His tongue peeks out and grazes my skin. “Does my Kitten like that, being called a good girl?” The same frisson runs ramped, causing a few awkward shifts around the room, sending flames across my cheeks. “Mmhm… yes, she does.” One more nuzzle before stepping back, shamelessly adjusting himself, and turning me back towards my food. “Eat up, baby. We’re heading over to your dads in a few.”
“K.” The single word answer draws a wicked smile to his lips, as hunger flashes in his golden depths.
While I’ve spent my time relaxing around the penthouse, I didn’t consider the security measures Jax has gone through protecting us. But when we leave for our first outing, it’s abundantly clear.
The surrounding team attempts to be discrete as they speak into earpieces, communicating our movement and plan of action. Kam’s assured me they’ll remain out of sight, unless they’re needed. But even with them surrounding us, I glance over my shoulders, searching for a twisted jealous face.
My shoulders finally relax as we’re turning down the driveway of my dad’s house—until we notice the white rose petals littering the entire entrance. Instinctively, tension courses through my veins, preparing for a fight-or-flight moment.
Kam stops the vehicle quickly, assessing the situation within seconds. “We’re good. It’s the kid from down the street.”
Leaning closer, I can see Natalie—a preteen troublemaker from down the block. She’s gripping the entire rose and ripping petals from the stem, tossing them across the gravel. Even though she’s being a little shit, relief loosens the anxiety from earlier.
As Kam slowly rolls forward, Natalie turns, a wickedly evil smirk tilting her freckled face. My paranoia is high, because I swear her eyes glint with malice and knowledge. She tosses another handful of petals while holding my gaze—something about the interaction seems like a challenge.
“Hey.” Jax gains my attention, rubbing soft circles across my belly. “You, okay? We can go home if you’re not ready to be out. Your dad will understand.”
Before he’s finished speaking, I’m already shaking my head. “I don’t want to hide away. Security surrounds us, there’s been no word, and Roman would track me down.” The image drags laughter from the entire SUV.
Roman and Marco are outside with dad, next to the grill that smells like heaven when the guy’s usher me out, and into a seat at the table.
“Bitch!” Roman squawks, rushing to my side with tears brimming his wide eyes. “Look at you!” He coos over the baby bump, animatedly carrying the conversation for both him and Marco, while caressing my stomach with affection.
“I’m sorry you’ve had to wait to see us.” The last thing I want is for my friends to feel unappreciated. Every one of them had a part in giving me the strength to survive Sarah’s wrath.
“Hush, now.” Marco speaks up. “We don’t care when we see you, as long as you’re safe, and your precious bundle is healthy.”
More tears rim my eyes until they slip free. “Thank you. I’ve missed you both terribly.” They lean down with hugs and kisses, until Jaxton shoos them away, muttering about upsetting me.
“Hey, baby girl.” Dad leans down, kissing my head. “How’s my grandbaby doing? You still have room for dinner after your predinner snack?” A humorous twinkle lights in his eyes.
A death-glare beams into the guys’ backs as they pretend to be engrossed in the grill or rearranging pastas, rather than returning eye contact. “Narcs.” Lennox fails first, laughter bursting through his tightly sealed lips, as he attempts to cover it with his fist.
My eyes narrow further, burning him to the place he’s standing until he cracks. “Pretty girl, don’t glare at me. I’dnevertell your secrets. That was all Cash and Kam. I heard them on the phone with your dad, checking in on the ribs. Kam promised he fed you a feast for lunch and your predinner snack.”
At the word ‘predinner’several others crack, cackling behind their hands, causing redness to infuse my cheeks. Jaxton immediately comes to my defense. “All right, that’s enough. She’s already an amazing mom, feeding our baby whenever they’re hungry.” The sarcasm is thick, but he’s forgiven when he kisses my temple.
The rest of the evening goes off without a hitch. Kam cuts the ribs up and then sets them on the table, handing me a special plate of my own. The anticipation of biting into this smorgasbord of barbeque has me beaming the rest of the night.
We share laughter and beers, solidifying the growth of our extended family. The night air brings about a cool breeze, caressing my sun kissed skin, and hair. Since my return, I’ve been stuck in this… limbo. Not fully home—still partly stuck in that basement—chained to a bed. The world moved on. Mrs. Fry sold the bakery to Roman and Marco. Jaxton dropped his movie and any contact with Hollywood, refusing to return until they found me. His brothers dropped their busy lives to come to our aid. And then there’s me—moving through each day in a cloud of denial. Once reality sinks back in, everything’s going to change, and I’m scared as hell to square my shoulders and hit it head on.
This baby. My home. Jaxton’s home. Me leaving dad or Jaxton leaving his brothers. Sarah being on the loose, wanting to harm me or the baby.
Everything. Will. Change.
Even without the kidnapping shit, these decisions are going to rock our worlds, and I’m not sure if I’m ready or strong enough to handle the aftermath.