Page 12 of Wrathful Malice
His reaction makes me laugh harder. We’ve been traveling together for five years now and are so in sync with each other, it’s eerie. It really is as if we’re siblings who were separated at birth.
“All jokes aside, if you want to go back to Boulder City, I’d understand.” I hold my hand up before he can interrupt. “I love you, and you’re my best friend. If you want to stay with me, great,” I assure him. “That being said, Maliceisyour brother. Yes, he was a dick, but he’s still family, and you both need to sort shit out.”
“You’re my family. You matter, no one else. I saw him, he’s alive. He knows I’m alive. We’re done.”
“Fine, that’s your call. But remember, you always have a choice.” I hand him my phone which has the GPS loaded. “Now make sure I don’t get lost looking for the Blue Rose Casino.”
Amelia, an old high school friend, called me a week ago with an offer I couldn’t refuse. Turns out, she’s a talent agent for several casinos in Las Vegas and heard I was traveling around the U.S. singing and wondered if I’d be interested in gigging a couple days a week. I’ll be rotating through the different lounges in the various casinos she manages. Of course, I was flattered that she remembered me, and I jumped at the opportunity.
“You nervous?” Mark asks, breaking into my thoughts.
I fidget in my seat. “Nah, just another gig.”
“Uh huh, keep telling yourself that. You’re practically jumping out of your skin.”
Without thinking, I squirm some more. He’s right. Mark is too perceptive and sometimes, it’s annoying as hell. But this could be the break I’ve been waiting for.
I can’t screw this up.
“Yes, okay,” I admit. “I’m a little bit nervous, but it’s not like I’ve never been on stage before.”
“Exactly, and you’ll knock them on their asses and pack the house like you do wherever we go.”
“You, sir, are good for my ego.”
“You don’t have a fucking ego.” Mark chuckles. “Shit, you’re the most humble and sweetest person I know. I want to make sure that doesn’t end up biting you in the ass.” Mark glances down at the phone. “Take the next right. That will take us directly to the strip. Another three miles, and the Blue Rose will be on the right.”
“Got it.” I take the next right. “I told Amelia that you’re my manager slash bodyguard so you can stay with me during sets or at least be in the lounges.”
“Sounds good. I would’ve figured out how to stay close, but that works too.” He winks at me.
I don’t doubt his words. No matter the situation or bar rules, Mark finds a way to stay near me. He’s always been waiting in the wings, within eyesight, when I finish a set. And whenever we stop to sleep or even just wash up, he’s always right there to make sure I’m safe.
Mark has no idea, but he’s my rock. There have been plenty of times I wanted to throw in the towel and go home with my tail tucked between my legs, but he’s never let me give up. He always encourages me to keep going.
“There it is.” Mark points to a blue building with a huge rose built into the side with the bloom hanging over the entrance.
When I pull up to the curb, the sound of pinging slot machines reaches my ears. I roll down my window and wait for the valet to come to the driver’s side.
“I’m here to see Amelia,” I say before he can open the door. “I’m gonna be singing in the lounge a couple nights.”
The valet’s gaze slides from my face to my chest, and Mark growls from the passenger seat.
“She’s not a fucking stripper or here for you to eye fuck,” Mark bites out.
“S-sorry man,” he stammers at Mark’s aggressive tone. Then he points ahead of us. “You want to go out this drive and take a right. There’s a small alleyway immediately on the other side of the building,” he explains. “Turn right there and go behind the building. There’ll be a sign that says ‘employee parking’. Park there and go in through the employee entrance. Amelia’s door is the third one on the left. She’ll get you a parking pass and direct you from there.”
“Thanks,” I say to him before rolling up my window and turning to face Mark. “Was that really necessary?”
“Fuck yes. One less man to fight off.”
“You’re so full of shit.”
“When are you going to see what everyone else sees?”
“And what’s that?”
“Look, you’re as close to a sister as a chick can get, but you’re also more than that, Apple. You’re beautiful, classy, and so much better than you give yourself credit for. You’re better than me, better than this world has to offer.”