Page 23 of Wrathful Malice
“I wanted what was best for Brenda,” he insists. “I loved her, and I was going to help her get into rehab.”
“You loved the dirty things she let you do to her!” I shout. “You loved that you could fuck her like you wanted, and she wouldn’t think you were a pervert.”
“That’s not true.”
“Dude, you’ve been tried and found guilty,” Spike says. “Deny shit all you want, but it’s only going to make things worse for you.”
“Four minutes, boys.”
I glance over my shoulder and see Soul standing in the hall just outside the door. I nod to let him know I hear him before returning my attention to Barrett.
“I know that you set up that controlled buy for Brenda, and you made sure she didn’t survive it.” I narrow my eyes at him. “Tell me,Detective, what did you promise the dealer for his cooperation in her murder?”
“Nothing!” he yells.
“That’s probably a good thing because he’s going down for murder,” I explain. “Not for Brenda’s. No, he’s going down for your death.”
“M-my d-death?” he stammers.
I pull the trigger, and the bullet enters his arm. He screams and cradles the appendage as blood seeps through his fingers.
“You shot me!”
“Yep.” I smile. “And it felt so fucking good.”
“You fucking shot me!”
“Pretty sure we established that fact,” Spike jokes. “For a detective, you’re not very bright.”
“What do you want?” Barrett asks. I’m surprised it took him this long to ask, not that it matters. There’s nothing he can offer that will stop what’s about to happen. “Money? Will that get you to leave? I’ve got a lot of money and can transfer it to—”
His eyes focus on Grim as the big man signs.
“Can I kill him now? I’m getting bored.”
“What did he say?”
“He said he’s bored,” Spike taunts with a shrug. “Gotta say, I am too.”
I focus on Grim. “Go ahead. We’re outta time anyway.”
Grim lifts his ax, and Barrett’s eyes grow comically wide. It’s as if he didn’t see the weapon until now, and who knows, maybe he didn’t. Regardless, he’s now very aware of how he’s going to die.
Grim swings his arm wide with all his strength, slicing the detective’s stomach open. Barrett tries to scream, but all that comes out is a gurgle. Grim swings again, this time landing the blade in the man’s chest, and just that fast, Barrett’s dead on the floor.
“Well, that was fun,” I mutter.
Grim’s teeth flash. “It really was.”
“Next one is mine, brother,” I tell him. “I need a kill.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Grim yanks his ax out of the dead man’s chest and wipes the blood on the cream area rug. “If killing is what you wanted to do, maybe you should’ve fought to be the enforcer instead of the VP.”
“You two can have your pissing match later,” Soul says as he steps up next to me and glances at Barrett. “But we gotta get outta here. Jez will scrub the security feed like she did at the church so no need to worry about cleanup.” He lifts his hands and wiggles his fingers, which are covered with what appear to be rubbery caps. “She was also able to pull copies of the dealer’s fingerprints from a previous arrest record, and thanks to modern technology and latex, those prints are now all over this place.”
“And she’s got our alibis handled?” I ask.
“Doesn’t she always?”