Page 38 of Wrathful Malice
“Fuck buddy then.” He waves a hand dismissively. “Whatever the hell you want to call it,” he bites out. “They onlyofferedbecause you showed up here unannounced, and Mark is family.”
“It’s funny how everyone keeps saying Mark is family, but he’s only mentioned youoncein the five years I’ve known him,” I sass. “And he’s never mentionedanyof the others who are his supposedfamily.”
“For all we know, you’re the reason we haven’t heard from him.” His eyes rake down my body, stopping at the juncture of my thighs. “Maybe your pussy has kept him occupied.”
“For the last fucking time, we aren’ttogether,”I snarl.
I can’t take any more of this asshole’s bullshit. I don’t know why everyone feels like they’re entitled to an explanation of my friendship with Mark. The thought of sleeping with him makes me gag. I’m so sick of everyone assumingwe’re fucking each other’s brains out just because we’re a male and female who are close.
“Fine, you’re nottogether,”he taunts. “Then why does my brother have such a hard-on for you? Why hasn’t he contacted his family?”
“He doesn’t have a hard-on for me,” I hiss. “And I don’t know why he hasn’t contacted you, but if I had to guess, I’d say it’s because you’re an ass.”
Malice takes another calculated step toward me. I gulp as I take in the dark purple shade of his face. Lifting my chin defiantly, I force my body to stay still even though it wants to flee. I refuse to be bullied.
“What did you call me?”
“An ass.” I wave my hand in his direction. “We’ve seen you all of two times, and all you do is start fights.” I rub my finger under my chin as if deep in thought. “Gee, I wonder why Mark hasn’t reached out to you.”
“You’ve got a set on you, talking to me like that.”
“That’s funny.” I chuckle, which sends me into a coughing fit. Once it passes, I add, “Your President said the same thing.”
“You talked to Soul like that, and you’re still standing?” he asks incredulously, his brow arched. If I’m not mistaken, there’s a measure of respect shining in his eyes.
“I’m not afraid of bikers.”
“Who the fuckareyou?”
“Apple, but I believe we already established that.”
He runs his hands roughly through his hair and grunts. “I know your fucking name. I want to know who the fuck you are and what you want with my club.”
I rest my hands on my hips. “Why should I tell you? It’s not like you’re hearing a word I say.”
“I’m right fucking here, listening to your bullshit.”
“You might be listening, but you’re nothearingme.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means,” I begin with a tinge of sarcasm in my tone. “You hear what you want to hear, and no matter what I tell you, you don’t believe me.” I shrug. “So why waste my breath?”
My shoulders sag, and I feel the last of my energy drain from my body. The ground seems to get closer, but then Malice’s hands shoot out, and he grabs me. I want to smack him away, but he’s the only thing keeping me upright. He’s surprisingly gentle, which shocks the hell out of me given our current argument.
“I might be an ass, but I’m not gonna let a sick woman fall on her face,” he mutters, answering the question on the tip of my tongue before I can ask it.
Unable to stop it, I chuckle. “At least you admit it.”
Malice’s lips slightly curve. “I’m listening now. Who are you, and why are you here?”
Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and try to hold back the cough that’s threatening to break free. “I’m Apple,” I repeat but this time, I give him a little more. “I’m a singer and a songwriter. I’ve been traveling around the U.S. since I graduated from high school.”
“What are you doing with Ma—”
Violent coughs wrack my body. Malice picks me up bridal style and carries me back into Jez’s house. I’m coughing so hard, I don’t even notice that we’re in the spare room until he puts me on the bed.
Abyss pushes his way into the room, past Malice, and presses his stethoscope to my chest. When he’s done listening to the front, he moves it to my back.