Page 40 of Wrathful Malice
Rogue shrugs. “Okay.”
“Besides,” I continue as if he hadn’t spoken. “I couldn’t get in the front even if I wanted to. You’ve got a damn line halfway down the block. I refuse to stand in line for a bar I’m fucking part owner of.”
Rogue pinches off the hot end of the joint and shoves it in his cut pocket, all the while he’s sporting a giant grin.
“What are you so happy about?” I ask.
“Bro, we’ve got a line halfway down the block,” he repeats as he shakes his head. “Fuck, that girl can sing.”
“What girl?”
“Mark’s girl.”
I shift my gaze to the door. “She’s in there? Singing?”
“Yeah.” Rogue grabs the handle and yanks open the door, leading the way into the back hallway of Purgatory. “I guess she talked to Soul and asked if she could sing at the bar.” He shrugs. “Sort of her way of saying ‘thank you’ for our hospitality.”
Our hospitality?
“Oh.” I follow Rogue toward the main room of the bar. “She’s not Mark’s girl,” I say absently.
He hesitates and glances over his shoulder. “Okay,” he says, dragging out the word.
“You felt the need to point that out?”
Rogue turns around to face me fully and crosses his arms over his chest. “Wellwhat?”
“Nothing. It’s just… they aren’t together.”
Which is good because I’ve been having wet dreams about her for the last fucking week.
“Okay. So?”
“So, they aren’t fucking together,” I bark.
“Right.” He turns to continue walking, and I follow. “Well, together or not, I’m glad he brought her to us. She’s got a killer voice, and Purgatory is packed. I can’t wait to see what we make tonight.”
When we enter the main area, my eyes are immediately drawn to the small corner stage. Apple is sitting on a stool, belting out a song that I’ve never heard, and I’m transfixed. After a couple lines, she stands with the microphone in her hand, and my cock hardens to a painful degree.
“Your usual?” Rogue asks.
“Uh…” I swallow and thankfully, my tongue doesn’t go down my throat. “Um… What?”
“Told ya.”
“Girl can sing.”
That isnotthe voice or body of agirl. She’s all woman. Sensual, delicious woman.
He smacks me on the chest hard enough to pull my attention away from the beauty on the stage. When I glare at him, he asks, “Do you want your usual?”
I push him to the side. “Yeah, uh… yeah, I’ll take a beer.”