Page 45 of Wrathful Malice
“Wow!” she exclaims as she spins me in a circle.
I glance over Jez’s shoulder as she releases me and watch Malice push through the back entrance of the building. I’m so focused on him that I don’t even realize Cece and Heather came into the hallway with her. I want to run after him and ask him what that kiss meant, but I’m not sure I want the answer.
You need to get back to Vegas. He was just caught up in the moment… even if we were arguing.
I plaster a smile on my face and force my attention away from the man. “Hey, ladies.”
“Oh my god!” Cece gushes. “That was amazing!”
“Damn girl, you just knocked a bunch of bikers to their knees.” Heather pulls me into her arms.
I hug her back. “I doubt I knocked anyone to their knees.”
“We’ve had this bar for years, and I’ve never seen a crowd silenced by someone singing. Have you Jez?” Heather asks.
“Nope, never.” Jez wiggles her eyebrows at me. “I’ve never seen Malice look at anyone like that before either.”
“You’re crazy.” I shift my weight from one foot to the other. “He can’t stand me.”
“Huh,” Cece says, tapping her chin. “So that wasn’t his tongue shoved down your throat I saw.”
My cheeks blaze hot, and I drop my eyes for a brief second before bringing them up to meet her stare. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Grabbing Jez’s hand, I pull her toward the bar. “Come on ladies, this is my last night here.”
Chuckling, the other two follow us. We round the corner, and my eyes dart to the corner where some of the club members are sitting at a table, drinking their beers. Mark is still there, and he seems to be having a good time. They all nod and smile at us as we make our way through the crowd.
Once at the bar, Jez orders a round of tequila shots. They each down theirs quickly, but I leave mine untouched.
“You better down that shot,” Jez demands.
“Still on antibiotics,” I explain. “No liquor for me.” I face the bartender. “I’ll take a water, please.”
“You got it,” the woman says.
“Party pooper,” Cece pouts.
“Come on, Apple,” Heather whines. “Have a drink with us.”
“Sorry girls.” I take the bottle from the bartender when she hands it to me. “Abyss told me to be a good patient, and that’s what I’m doing. It’s working so I’m not gonna fuck it up now. Besides, I can’t be hung over tomorrow. Mark and I are getting up early to head back to Vegas.”
“You’re still leaving?” Jez asks quietly.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”
“What about Malice?” Cece asks.
“What about him?” I counter.
“He likes you.” Jez sets down her glass and stares at me. “I’ve known Malice since we were all kids, and I’m telling you, I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he looked at you tonight.”
“And let’s not forget that kiss,” Cece interjects.
“Ladies.” My tone is firm. “Malice can’t stand me. Did he kiss me? Yeah, I won’t deny it. But it was just because of the heat of the moment. Trust me, we were fighting so there was heat. It didn’t mean anything.”
“Thou doth protest too much,” Cece teases.
“Did you just quote Shakespeare?” Jez asks incredulously.
“What? I know the classics.” Cece grins. “Well, at least that line.”