Page 79 of Wrathful Malice
I haven’t had to be the big brother for so damn long, and the emotions overwhelming me are making it hard to remember how. But Apple was right, andthisis right. It’s… good. In a world full of dark and depraved things,this is good, and I’ll hold onto that as tightly as I possibly can.
“Look, I know that this conversation won’t fix everything. What we’ve silently carried around with us for years doesn’t just vanish because it’s out in the open. The wounds are deep, infected even, but I do hope we can work to move forward.” I pause, choosing my next words carefully. “I want you to stick around so we can be brothers, so we can be who we were always supposed to be. I know it’ll take time, and we’re both stubborn as fuck so there’s likely a few bumps ahead for us. And maybe, someday, you’ll trust me enough to talk to me, to tell me about your own demons.”
Mark swallows. “I, uh… yeah, we can try.”
I nod. “That’s all I ask.”
“I do have one question,” he says.
“What’s that?”
And the devilish grin that I remember Mark sporting as a boy blooms. “Are you doing all of this for us or to get into Apple’s pants?”
I throw my head back and roar with laughter. Mark clears his throat, seemingly annoyed with my reaction.
Forcing myself to sober, I reply honestly. “I’m doing all this for you and me.”
“So, no ulterior motive?”
I grin.
“No ulterior motive… just icing on a multi-layer cake of dysfunction.”
I pick up my phone as it pings with yet another incoming message. I’m sitting at a high-top near the pool tables, and the common room is buzzing with activity. When I first came out of my room, Grim waved me over to play pool, but I declined.
The view has been spectacular though.
I know I’m being a total perv because my eyes haven’t left Malice’s ass… not once, but I don’t give a damn. The more he bends over to take a shot, the more I fantasize about what happened in the shower.
“What?” Malice asks, walking over to me. “You okay?”
I flip my phone around so he can see all the messages on my screen.
Kyle: Where r u? When you coming back
Mara: R u okay? Haven’t heard from you
Kyle: New scouts coming Saturday. We need to practice
Sydney: Girl, have you talked to M or K. Exciting news from Vegas
Mara: At least tell us if you’re coming back
Kyle: Please Apple, at least let us know you’re ok
My phone has been blowing up the past couple of days, but there’s been so much going on that I didn’t have time to respond. Between the fight, the elbow I took to the face, Malice and Mark’s tenuous grasp on their relationship, and Malice dragging me from store to store so he could replace his broken furniture, I’ve been a bit… preoccupied.
Add in the fact that Frenzy just brought Stella to the clubhouse with a clean bill of health this morning and I wasn’t even surehowto respond since I refused to leave her behind. On a positive note, though, not only did he replace the spark plug wires, but he also gave her a full tune-up so she’d be ready to hit the road when I am.
“Who the fuck is Kyle?” he demands. “And why the fuck does he wanna know when you’re coming back? Back where?”
“Kyle is just another singer in Vegas who I’ve done duets with.” I roll my eyes. “You know… my job?”
He scowls. “You didn’t tell me you sing with other men.”
“Man, not men.” I pat his chest. “You didn’t ask, and there’s nothing to tell.” I smirk. “Besides, it’s not like we’re in a relationship. At least, not that I’m aware of.”