Page 30 of Lasting Hope
“I didn’t,” King cut in. “Bailey made me promise I would tell you I’d take you back to Cinderhill if you wanted, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I’m just here to help. Put me to work.”
Paisley’s eyes widened. “Really? You came all this way to help? You don’t have to. We don’t know what we’re dealing with at this point. I’m about to stand out in public and call them out. Anything can happen.”
“Yeah, I know.” King’s steely expression was bordered on excitement. “Seems like the more people you can have there that you trust, the better. I can handle myself.”
“I can’t ask you to do this.” Paisley shook her head and looked at all three of the men. “You’re all in danger. And it’s because of me.”
“You didn’t ask,” King shot back. “And to be honest, I’m not going to mind the hotel room and some internet access while I’m here either. You’ve seen Cinderhill. This place is like a modern marvel in comparison.” He laughed but Paisley couldn’t let any humor in.
Mick interrupted the joking with a serious question. “King, you can hold your own, right? If you’ve got Carmen’s seal of approval you must know what you’re doing. What’s your background?”
“Private security of sorts,” King said, not flinching even though it was clear there was more to his story.
“Of sorts?” Mick asked, narrowing his eyes. “Did you do some diplomatic work? Maybe in Paisley’s world of fame and fortune. Your insight there might be valuable if so.”
“It was protecting my former friend and his family. He was the head of an organization.” Now King was squirming a little.
“A CEO?” Mick chuckled, clearly putting the pieces together. “Or afamily organization? Something not quite above board?”
“I did say former friend if that helps. It was complicated. I’d grown up with his family. By the time I realized it wasn’t the right path, I was too invested in trying to help protect his wife and daughter to leave. But they’re out of it now. To answer your question, I can handle myself. I’ve got the stab wounds to prove it.”
“Good enough for me,” Mick shrugged. “You’re armed?”
“Yes. And before you ask, legally.”
“Well then, let me tell you about my theory. It’s not a fully fleshed out idea yet, but it’s been sticking in my head since the last time Paisley and I spoke.” Mick folded his arms across his chest as they all gave him their full attention. “I’ve been thinking a hell of a lot about who these people might be. It’s almost like a fan club. That’s a large group of people who unite in the following of a celebrity, right?”
Paisley finished brushing her hair as she seemed to consider his observation. “Fan clubs are normally positive. There might be some fringe groups that break off and become obsessed, but I don’t think they would send messages like the ones I was getting. They were rooting against me. Angry at my success. Every time something went well in life, they would increase the threats. That’s not a fan club.”
“But I think he has a point.” Ben said, shaking his head as he tried to piece this together. “I’m going to pass this on to Carmen. Even if they’ve already looked into any kind of fan page, I think Mick is right. It’s the only kind of group or organization in this kind of space. It’s worth exploring. And some fans do become fanatics.”
Mick clapped his hands together. “King, let me give you the rundown on the plans I have drawn up. We could definitely use you down with the news crews. I’m not expecting any trouble down there but another set of eyes will help.”
Ben drew in a deep breath. “You got this,” he assured Paisley who was finally dressed and what she called camera-ready. “We’re going to make it quick, say what you need to, then it’s back here.”
“Not back here,” Mick corrected. “When we leave the high school, we’ll be moving to some different accommodations. A little less fancy, but more secure.”
King groaned. “I’m here for the fancy.”
Paisley looked concerned. “Why would we leave? This place has a doorman, a key access elevator. It’s very secure.”
“It has two hundred people on staff who can easily be persuaded or bribed into circumventing whatever security is in place. We’re going somewhere without that level of exposure. Less staff. Less access.”
King cleared his throat. “But indoor plumbing, right?”
“Yes,” Mick assured him. “I’m an easy-going guy but even I need some basic accommodations.”
King waved him off. “I’m totally kidding. I can hang anywhere. But, Paisley, Cinderhill is always an option. You’re welcome there as long as you like.”
“If I don’t draw these maniacs out and finally catch them in the act, I’ll have to spend my life in Cinderhill. Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful and idyllic, but it’s not where my career is. Where my friends and family are. I’m not hiding anymore.”
“Then let’s roll,” Mick said, pulling on his coat and holstering his weapon.
Ben put his hand on the small of Paisley’s back. “Okay, we’re ready. Paisley, you have your statement and your team is meeting us there, right? I’m going to have a close eye on them. Carmen keeps saying they all check out so far, but I don’t see how anyone could track you so effectively without someone on your team leaking your schedule. If you had to pick one person who might betray you, who would it be?”
“There is no one.” Paisley pulled her purse over her shoulder. “I have nine people who know my schedule that closely. None of them would want me hurt. I’m sure of it.”
Mick made a low grumbling noise of disapproval. “I hate to say it but, in my experience, at least one in five people are assholes who will do some real horrible shit. If you’ve got nine, the math isn’t in your favor. But no one knows me or why I’m here so I’m staying under the radar. I won’t be introducing myself to any of these folks to get a read on them. Ben, you should try to get up close and personal with all of them. See if your antenna goes up.”