Page 35 of Lasting Hope
“Great. So I get to figure out which of the people I loved and trusted betrayed me. I can’t wait.”
Ben shifted slightly to be able to see her better. He’d been sitting on this latest information and knew he had to share it. “Carmen told me something yesterday. I’ve been waiting for the right moment to tell you. Now that we’re lying here and questioning everyone’s loyalty and love, I’m going to tell you now.”
“What is it?” He felt her tense against him. There had been so many revelations, each one seeming worse than the last.
“Doug is the one who got in touch with Carmen about what you were dealing with. He knew of another actress at an award ceremony who had dealt with a relentless stalker. It wasn’t as complex as what you were dealing with, but he took her aside at the show and asked for some advice because he was so worried about you. She passed along the number to Carmen’s office and started the process of getting your situation looked into. He felt like something had to be done.”
“Of course he was,” Paisley whimpered. “He always swore protecting me was his purpose in life. I just wish it didn’t cost him his.”
“I’m sorry it turned out that way for him. I never got the chance to meet Doug, but I am so glad you had him to watch your back. I couldn’t possibly live up to the friendship you two had, but I’d like to fill in as much as possible if you’ll let me.”
Clinging tightly to him she whispered, “You’re hired.”
Paisley sat in the car outside the cemetery, her nerves on edge, waiting for the call from Carmen. Everything here looked so peaceful, but sadly final. Doug’s family had already gathered and said their goodbyes. His headstone was covered with flowers. She’d processed the terrible feelings of missing his funeral. Honoring his parents’ wishes was the most important thing she could do. Maybe they were right for being angry with her. She knew now without a doubt that his death was because of her. Maybe she didn’t cause it completely but if they needed to be angry with her right now, she understood.
The weight of recent events had been overwhelming, and any glimmer of good news was desperately needed. She wanted the next phone call from Carmen to be something positive. Finally, her phone rang, and she answered eagerly.
"Paisley, we've made a breakthrough," Carmen's voice came through the line and the relief was evident. That was hopeful. "The tech team dug into Alex's communications and message board postings. It turns out she accessed your intimate information using a cloned phone of your publicist's. There's no indication that your publicist was aware or involved in feeding information to anyone. They were able to stay one step ahead of you that way. But the best news is, we haven’t turned up a single bit of evidence that anyone betrayed you."
Paisley let out a shaky breath, her heart feeling lighter. "I wish I could say, I knew it I wish I could say I hadn’t believed someone would have done something like this. But I’ve had to question everyone. It’s a terrible feeling."
As they continued to talk, Paisley noticed a figure in the distance, moving towards them.
“You seeing that?” King asked, nudging Ben.
“Is that her?” Paisley gulped. “What the hell is she doing here? I thought she left town and we couldn’t get a location on her?”
Carmen’s voice dropped. “Is that Alex? She’s there? We tracked her passport leaving across the Mexican border. How did she pull that off? Mick are you on it?”
“Yeah boss. I see her. I’ll intercept. Can you call the cops?”
“Will do,” Carmen answered quickly. “Call me back when the scene is secure and she’s in custody.
Mick groaned. “I have a feeling she’s not going to make this easy.”
Panic gripped Paisley’s heart as she saw the gun in her hand. Her focus now entirely on the dangerous woman approaching. “She’s armed.”
“I see it.” Mick exited the car, his hand on his holstered weapon. “Stay here and stay down. If you try to drive off, I’m worried she’ll shoot.”
“Ben,” Paisley gasped. “I want to go to talk to her.”
“Not a chance.” Ben gripped her arm and gave her a grave look. “Stay down. Mick will handle this.”
"Get out of the car," Alex demanded, her voice harsh and desperate. "Call Sway, now!"
“She’s going to stay there in the car,” Mick said, taking his gun out of his holster and pointing it a frantic looking Alex. She had wild curls and her clothes looked baggy and unwashed. But Paisley couldn’t help but notice how sweet her face was. Innocent and childlike. This was not the harsh angry woman Paisley had imagined she would see.
“Call Sway or I will kill you all.” Alex held the gun steady. She seemed completely unbothered by the fact that Mick was aiming his weapon directly at her. King slowly got out of the car too and drew his own weapon.
“Can you put that down for me,” Mick asked gesturing with his chin to her gun.
“I want her to call Sway. I want to talk to him.”
“I’m doing it,” Paisley called from the car door King had left open. “I’ll call him. Just put that down. I don’t want anyone else getting hurt in my name. I’ll call Sway.”